Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Dan

I walked down to a local pizza shop down the street. I just wanted to get mymind off things. The bell rang as I pushed the door open. I was the only one there, as usual. This was my favorite pizza place, but i feared it was going to go out of buisness.

I walked up to the counter to order. "Hi Dan!" A cheery, yet familular voice said. I looked up, It was Bethany, the daughter of the people who own the shop. Normal her enthusiasm could make me smile, but i was too depressed today.

"Hey." I replied in monotone.

Her smile got a little smaller, but it was never fully gone. "What's wrong..?" She asked. I sighed. Did i really want to spill all my problems to some random pizza girl? I felt bad for thinking like that, Bethany and I had been friends forever. "Girl trouble." I mumbled.

"Oooh, I'm a girl! Can I help?" She asked almost begging. I shurgged as if to say why not. "Okay well I kinda need to know the exact problem...." She trailed off at the end. "Here why don't we talk about it over dinner? I'll take the usual." I ordered. She nodded before typing in my order. Next, she took off her apron and followed me to sit at a booth. 

"Well...." I began. I was trying to think of the best way to put it. "There's this girl and we were dating for a little while. She was so sweet and I think I loved her.... Then, she liked someone else. Someone very close to me. So she left for awhile. And today she came back.. but she was... different." I explained. She nodded like she knew what I was talking about.

"She's rude and... and she lies." I tried to swallow my tears. I just wanted the old Arista back. Bethany reached across the table and rubbed my hand. Just then her mom brought out our pizza. "Hello Dan!" She said happily. I forgot that her mom was ultra creepy and pretty muched shipped me and Bethany. I quickly pulled my hand away.

"Are you and my daughter on a date Dan??" She winked at me. Oh god. "Mom stop."Bethany said sharply between her teeth. "Oh sorry.. I'll just leave you two to it..." She walked backwards never looking away from us. Well, until she ran into a table that is.

"I'm really sorry about that.." She apologized. I shrugged it off,not like it didn't happene all the time. "AnywaysI was going to say, I think you should give her some space. She's clea-" "She's been gone for 3 months she's had enough break!" I cut her off. 

"Well then I dont know what to tell you Dan. Maybe she's PMSing..?" She suggested. I couldn't help but laugh there. She smiled more, probably thinking I was laughing at her joke. But, I was really laughing at the fact that I didn't think mermaids PMSed. 

"Maybe... well lets eat." I said before grabbing a slice. 

(AN): Sorry I haven't updated! I accidently posted this on washed away and fro the longest time I was trying to figure out where it went lol 

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