Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Arista 

I stepped out of the dressing room in a very cute pink dress. This store was fabulous, "Dan?" I called out. No reply. That's odd. I stepped around the corner to scan the store. Dan was no where to be found, in fact the majority of the store was empty.

I made my way back to my stall feeling heart broken. II should have known this was too good to be truw after the way he acted yesterday. I undressed to get back into my old white dress. I looked around the floor of the stall for my dress, but it wasn't there any more than Dan was.

Great. Could this get any worse? I put the pink dress back on.

"Um hi.. The clothes I was wearing aren't in my stall anymore. So can I just buy this dress and wear it out?" I asked the cashier. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Uh ma'am you just left here wearing your clothes...." She replied. What on earth is she talking about?

"Uh no I didn't.." I told her. 

"Right..... well thats fine you can just pay for that." I pulled the money out of my clutch purse. 

I ripped the tag of my dress while walking out of the store with tears streaming down my face. Well, I guess I'd head back to Phil now. Why did I even try with Dan? Why do I even try with anyone?

I knocked on their apartment door once I reached there after hiking like 10 blocks. Phil opened the door with a less than emused expression on his face. "Can I help you?" He asked in a mono-toned voice. Was he mad at me too? I couldn't stop the tear that fell from my eye.

Phil's expression seemed to soften. I turned around and walked away from the flat. I was so done with the rejection and mixed emotions. I heard Phil calling out my name as I fled down the stairs, but decided just to tune them out.

I ran all the way to the peir. I knew I didn't want to go back, not yet at least. But, I couldn't deny this place supplied me with comfort.

"HAHAHA!! What are you wearing Vera?!" Some creepy punk looking dude came up to me and asked. Vera? I wipped a tear off my face. "Sorry, I think you have the wrong girl." I mumble before turning away.

His expression seemed to change. "Oh so you must be Arista."

How did he know who I was...? "Um yea... who are you?" I asked with caution. When I looked back at him, he was closer to me than he was before. It made me very uncomfortable. "Well I'm Brandon. Or, you can call me your new best friend." He said before taking me by the wrist, and dragging me away.

Phil POV

"Dan, are you with Arista?" I fantically asked him on the phone. "Yea... why?" He asked sounding irratated. "That's impossible... she was just here." I told him. He began to laugh. What? Did he think I was lying?

"Yea sure okay Phil. Do you want to talk to her?" He teased. "Yes, I actually do." 

There was a shuffling noise, and some voices I couldn't make out. "Hello?" She said. It certainly sounded like her. But she was JUST here. I knew something was going on. I quickly hung up the phone.

How was it that not even a minute after her and Dan left, she was back in my room? She was cruel and mean, not like the Arista that was here last night. Then, someone who sure looks a lot like Arista comes crying at my door when supposidly she's with Dan. But, when she came to me earlier she said she left Dan..?

I was even more confused than before.

Okay so maybe she's tricking us.. playing with us? No... that wasn't like her. Well lets assume that maybe there were two Arista's..? No way. Well maybe someone copied her from her necklace or something. Yea that was probably it.

I ran out my apartment door, to go find the crying Arista. My Arista. 

(A/N): Hey guys so I put up another fanfic... a Harry Styles fanfic. I would love if it would get some reads. So if you, or anyone you know is a one direction fan please check it out or recommend it to your friends if not. Thanks guys! xx

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