Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Arista

We ended up outside his flat. I pecked him on the lips before he unlocked the door and walked in. He turned back and looked at me standing outside the door. "Are you going to come in?" He asked. I nodded before putting on foot in front of the other and walking in.

"Nice place you got here." I complimented sarcasticly.

"T-Thanks..." He stuttered. He was still scared of me. Then why was he inviting me in? I pushed him up against the wall kissing him. We moved over to the couch, and I strattled him. "You know what Nathan? I'm going to kill you." I said mono-toned. His eyes grew in fear, yet he didn't move. "But, before I do I'm going to tell you my story since I have no one to talk to." He just kind of half nodded. I couldn't help but laugh a little. 

"Listen up. I'm not Arista. I'm not some fucking princess of the sea. The real Arista is out there. I'm here to make her life hell, like she made mine. I'm her twin sister, Vera. Intresting huh? The best part is that she dpesn't even remember me. We were seperated when we were little. She got the good life, while I was trapped in a cave. But, I escaped. And i've been watching her for the past few months. I learned the things that mean themost to her. She's a skank. She's got two boys wrapped around her little finger. Its time for her to get what she deserves. and me to obtain her life." I told him the story of my whole existence basically.

"Got that?" I asked. He looked scared, confused, and nervous all at thesame time. 

"Why do you want to ruin her life...? Cant you just be friends?" He hesitated to ask. Anger swelled up with in me, and withiin a seconds noticed I snapped his neck. "Because. She. Ruined. My. Life." I gritted between my teeth. 

I sighed and hopped off his now lifeless body. "Whats another skeleton in the closet to me.." I mumbled as I dragged him off into the closet.

And that is how I obtained my new lair. 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now