Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Arista

I worked my way back to Dan and Phil's kitchen trying not to wake Dan. Phil had just caught me starring at Dan sleeping.. totally embarassing. I didn't even remember going in there. Last thing I remember I was sleeping on their couch. 

You know in horror movies where you look at something really fast and see the killer or whatever for a second? I could have sworn I saw my self standing in the corner of the room. I blinked and I was gone. Was that an out of body experience? It must have been a dream.

"Sorry about that.." I try to apologize to Phil.

He half smiled at me. I know how he feels about me and of course he catches me eye stalking his rivalry. "So... you got any plans for the day?" He asks me right as Dan walks into the room. "Yes. She does." He answers for me. I wasn't aware I had plans... 

"What...?" I ask him. He smiles and walks over to me and grabs my wrist to drag me out of the room. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He doesn't answer me, but drags me into his room. "We're going on a date obviously." He asnwers. My stomach is filled with butterflies. 

"Well you didn't have to be so mean to Phil." I laugh. "Of course I did, he was trying to ruin our plans."  He tells me. I still feel bad for Phil, and almost consider not going on the date. I couldn't bring myself to do it, I wanted to take to Dan about yesterday. 

"Do you have any clothes that... arent Phil's?" He wonders aloud. I begin to laugh at his childish jealousy. "The ones from yesterday are all I have." I reply. "Well I guess we're going shopping then." He suggests. I smile at him before walking out of the room to get my old clothes.

Vera POF

I heard the door to the apartment click, telling me that Arista and Dan had left. That means that poor Phil was left alone. I watch him a little before making my move. He sits at the kitchen counter drinking a coffee he made. 

After about 3 minutes I get bored and head to the door of their apartment. I open it, and then slam it really hard and coming stomping in. "UGH!" I huff really loud. Phil comes rushing in from the kitchen.

"What's wrong??"  He hurries to me. 

His face is filled with concern, I try not to laugh. "Dan was totally rude to me and we hadnt even left the building yet. I told him to fuck off and came back up here but he still left." I lie to him. "Did you just say... fuck?" He whispers the last word, what a pussy.

"Oh sorry... Bad habit I picked up while gone..." I try to play it off. 

"Well anyways.. Do you want to hang out with me today?" I bat my eye lashes a little bit. He blushes and nods before saying sure. 

"What do you want to do today?" He asks. "I was thinkiing maybe we could just... stay here.." I say using my seductive voice. His cheeks become a darker shade of red. I take 2 steps closer to him, making us only inches apart. I lean in and kiss him. He sucks at kissing, he clearly has no experience.

Well I know he does because I was watching the first time he kissed Arista. That whore. 

I snake my arms around my neck. He begins to pull away. "Arista we can't do that..." He scolds me. "God, what are you gay?" I snap. "I mean... uh you're right..." I awkwardly step away. Its so hard to act like good fucking 2 shoes Arista. 

"Arista what's going on with you? You've changed." He seems to be getting.. mad? Haha. Guess he doesn't like being called gay. "You've kissed a boy before haven't you?" I laugh at him. His cheeks are red as roses. "OF COURSE NOT!" He yells. Hm, maybe he hasn't. But his reaction sure gives me a kick. 

"Whatever, you coming or what?" I ask still laughing. "No." He replies as soon as I ask. "Awh, mad about me asking if you kissed a boy? It was a joke, I've kissed girls. Who cares?" I confess like its nothing, because its not.

"No I don't really care, I just have something to do." He mutters as he walks away. I roll my eyes and head out of their flat to go mess with Dan.

Arista POV

Dan and I walk down some side walks along a city street. I glance up at him and notice he's smiling. "What are you thinking about?" I wonder aloud. He's snapped out of his thoughts. "I'm just remembering the first time we went shopping together." He admits. I can feel the blush on my cheeks. 

I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was before all this choosing boys thing happened. Somtimes, I wish Phil hadn't come into the picture. But, I can't deny the feelings I have for him or for Dan. I let out a long sigh.

"Whats wrong?" Dan asks.

"Just thinking about everything." I tell him. We keep walking, inching a little closer each time. Our hands brush against each others as we walk. Before I know it, He takes my hand in his. I let out a gasp from my mouth and look up at him. He's looking the opposite direction, obviosuly embarassed, but doesn't let go. 

I can't help but think about the way our hands intertwine perfectly. I want his hand to stay in mine forever.

After walking for awhile, we stop in front of a shop. "Want to go in here?" Dan asks. I nod back in response and then we head in. As soon as we're inside, he drops my hand. I frown a little wanting to take his hand into mine.

I drift amoung the countless racks of clothes. I pick up a few shirts here and there, and head into the dressing room. 

Vera POV

I see Arista head into the dressing room. Poor foolish girl left Dan alone the racks. I stride up to him. "What do you think of this?" I gesture to my all black and leather outfit. He looks me up and down and burrows his brows together. "Its... nice?" He hesitates. 

"mmm I don't think I like it. I'm going to go change and we can leave. This store is lame." I tell him and he looks slightly relieved. 

I make my way back to the dressing rooms where I know Arista is changing. I look under all the doors until I see her white dress sticking out slightly as she changes. I tip toe over and steal her dress, heading into my own stall. 

I quickly change my outfit into hers, and head back to Dan. 

"Lets get out of here, these clothes are so not me." I tell him trying to sound like her. He nods with a smile and takes me by the hand. We get out of the shop and make our way down before stopping at another shop. 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now