Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Arista

After walking with this so called "Brandon" for about 30 minutes, we reached some kind of gang hang out place. It was pretty much a bar... but edgier. I was so broken from everything, I didn't even care. I walked right in with him. 

"Boys look who I found. Hint- Its not Vera" He shouted through out the joint. 

Everyone's head's turned towards us and disturbingly evil smiles creeped upon their faces. But, not even a corner of my mouth turned up or down.

I felt nothing.

There was no emotion of fear, happiness, sorrow. Nothing.

"Is that the so called Arista?" One of the men called out. Brandon shouted back a yes, and everyone cheered. What was so special about me?

I pushed passed them and headed towards the bar. "Give me a drink. now." I ordered the bar tender. His face looked confused, but then he laughed. "Sheesh, I thought you were nice one." 

"One?! ONE WHAT? WHAT THE HELL IS EVERYONE ALWAYSTALKING ABOUT?!?" I stood up from my seat and shouted. Silence glutted the entire room. All eyes were on me, but no one said anything. I was fuming.

"You don't know do you..?" The bar tender innocently asked.

"No, I do not know. Now tell me what you're talking about." I commended. They all looked around at each other, as if wonder which would be stupid enough to tell. 

Were these Dan and Phil's friends pulling a prank on me? My heart seemed to shatter more if that was possible. 

"There's this girl.... her name is Vera. and well she looks like you. Because, she's your twin sister. You were seperated at birth. and to say the least, she's a bitch. An angry bitch. She's furious that your life turned out to be what she wanted. She came here to mess things up for you." The bar tender explained.

I don't know why, but I did not care the least bit. Maybe it was because my heart was broken, or maybe because I didn't belive them. "Whatever I don't care. She can have my life." I said back very mono-toned. 

"Now, get me my drink." I asked the bar tender very irratated.

Quiet whispers sailed across the room. Eventually, the bar tender got me my drink and I drank contently. Everything went back to normal and everyone left me alone.

"You know if I were you... I would care about Vera. She will stop at nothing to make your life miserable." The bartender, who I still didnt know his name, whispered to me.

"It already is. I really don't care"

"Man... you're nothing like Vera described you."

"How did she describe me?"

"She said you were a cry baby whore who toyed around with boys." 

I felt even angrier than before. So, she knew about Dan and Phil. "I am not toying boys." I gritted my teeth. He laughed at my reaction.

"Really? She said you had these 2 guys wrapped around your finger." He teased. I chose to ignore his comment.

"Well how do you know her anyways?" I asked.

He rubbed his imaginary beard as if thinking. "She brought us all together. Each one of us were broken, and had something we were desperatly needed. I guess you could say we sold our souls to her." He laughed.

I took another sip of my drink, and decided to push all these thoughts out of my mind and just relax.

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now