Chapter 23

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Arista POV

Am I alive?

I quickly fondle my wrist for my pulse. It's there. Okay... so my heart's beating.

But am I alive?

The past few days are a complete blur to me. I was swimming for a bit after the incident. I had been considering leaving forever, to stop the pain. However, that made everything hurt worse than before.

So, I went back on land. Then what?

I hit the palm of my hand against my forehead to try and bring break my memories. A few images flashed through my brain. Black. Vodka. Drugs?

I remember not having anywhere to go; I found myself sitting at a bar for a few hours. At first I wasn't drinking anything, I had no money of course. Yes, that's what happened. Then she came.



I felt numb. This was the first thing I had felt in days, the tapping on my shoulder.

I turned on my bar stool to face a girl with platinum blonde hair, I couldn't recall ever seeing her before. "Can I help you?" I mumbled.

"Hey sorry.... It's just you've been sitting here for what, 2 hours? You haven't moved or even bought a drink. You're starting to depress everyone. Can I buy you a drink?" She asked me. I glanced around the bar to see a few people were staring at us.

Isn't it amazing how you can attract attention by literally doing nothing?

"O-oh I'm sorry... I guess so," I told her, she immediately sat down on the stool next to me.

"Bartender! We'll have 2 shots of vodka please," The girl, I still didn't know her name, yelled. The bartender brought us over 2 glasses and filled them up.

She held up her glass, so I did the same. "To being alone at a bar on a Friday night!" I nodded and quickly downed the liquid. It burned my throat, giving me a smooth comfort.

Did she say it was Friday? Hm.

"So what's your name?" She asked me as she gestured towards the bartender for more. 

"Arista. What's yours?"

"Arista? That's pretty. I'm Scarlett," She gave me a wide grin, flashing her perfect teeth.

"So Arista, why on earth have you been sitting in this bar for the last couple hours?" Her personal questions caused an ache in my heart. Why was I here? Because I screw everything up. Because I'm a heart breaker.

"I have no where to go," I said in an almost whisper.

Scarlett's brows furrowed in confusion. "You have no where to stay?" I nodded in response. She picked up her second shot and finished it off before saying anything else.

"Well, shoot. You can come back to my place if you want. My other roommates are having a giant weekend long party. I was planning on going a little later when more people would be there. Wanna head out?" She explained.

I thought over the situation. What did I have to loose? I nodded and followed her out.

-End Flashback-

I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror of wherever I am. Scarlett had let me borrow some of her clothes. I was wearing an overly large black sweater that ended about mid thigh.

Someone had done my makeup. At this point, I wasn't sure who did.

I'm sure it started off as a dark and sexy look. Now, eye liner was smeared all around my eyes. I looked like a goth who was addicted to drugs. Looking over the past few days, it almost seemed as if that's what I have become. 

Scarlett's friends gave me some drugs. Normally I wouldn't have taken them, but I needed to forget. Even if it was only for a lilt bit.

Now I had a massive head ache, and my heart was still full of pain.

There was suddenly a loud banging at the door. I opened it up to see one of Scarlett's friends standing before me with a dazed expression. She handed me her phone, "They told me to make you watch this." The girl walked away as if she was hypnotized.

I held her phone in my hands. There was a video on it; I quickly pushed play.

At first the video was black, but I could still hear a voice. Her voice. It sent chills down my spine.

"Hello Arista! On this week's episode of my sister is a mega bitch. With special guest star Dan Howell." Finally the image appears on the screen, however I almost wish it hadn't. I see Vera ramming her foot into Dan's side. He coughs in pain.

"Doesn't it hurt to see the one you love hurt ? Arista if you don't come out of your little hiding place, you and Dan might regret it. Plus we know where you are. If you don't meet us, we'll start sending Dan's body parts one by one." The camera zooms in close on Dan.

"Arista don't come she's such a joke it's no-" Dan is cut off by Vera slapping him.

"Wow Arista your boyfriends such a wimp, better come soon," The screen goes black.

I clamp my hand over my mouth and let the tears slide down my face. I read the text that went along with the video. It had an address and said "You have 48 hours".

I let the phone slide out of my hand and hit the cold bathroom floor, probably breaking.

I take another look at myself and I'm appalled. My hair looks damp, although we all know it's not wet because that wouldn't be possible. The black makeup around my eyes look like a raccoon. I had been taking drugs to forget my love, who was in pain because of me.

I thought leaving would fix everyone's pain, but it only made things worse.

I slide down the door of the bathroom, and for the first time in a while, I let myself full out sob. I had been ignoring the pain for so long and now it was flowing out of me like a geyser.

Hey guys... kind of a longish update... compared to my other ones. Here is the long awaited Arista chapter. Thanks for the nice comments you leave and for voting. You guys are the best! Hope you enjoy. x

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