Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Dan

I hung up on Phil. Why did he say Arista was just at our flat...? She's standing literally 5 feet away from me.

Then, I remembered how bitchy Arista was when I first met her on the dock. That couldn't be her could it? Maybe she was bipolar? No... i know thats not true. I look up at the girl standing in front of me.

She surely looks like Arista, but in ways, she doesn't. Something about her seems.. dark.

The way her eyes are a shade darker than usual. Even her hair is darker, just a tint, but its definetly noticable.

"Who the hell are you?" I spat at her.

"What do you mean... Its me. Arista..?" 

"I'm going to ask again. Who the hell are you?"

A cocky smile crawls on to her face. "Come with me." She said in almost a whisper. I did as I was told.

After about 30 minutes of walking in silence, we arrived at an apartment complex. We walked up about 5 flights of stairs before reaching a designated spot.

"Welcome to my place." She kicked the door open.

It reaked in there. Like really bad. "Whats that smell?" I gagged.

"Oh sorry, its a dead body." She casually said as if it were nothing. This was definetly not my Arista.

She slammed the door behind me, and then locked it. "What are you doing..?" I asked trying to hide my fear. "I thought we were going to talk?" She said. We made our way over to her couch.

"Who are you? Where's Arista?" I flooded her with questions.

"Doesn't matter who I am. And she's probably fucking Phil." She told me in a very serious tone. Should I believe that..? "Don't try and make yourself believe she wouldn't do that. Deep down, you know she would." She read my mind.

"I'm the better version of Arista. The one with no emotion." She smiled proudly.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked confused.

"It means I can do this." She grabbed my face and kissed me, using tongue. Her kisses were foregin to me, nothing like Arista's. "And feel nothing at all." She seductivly whispered while pulling away.

"What's your name?" I tried to play along. 

"Soo many questions? Fine, I'll answer this one. Vera."

Vera. I'd never heard Arista talk about someone named Vera. "Why are you here..?" I hoped to get another question out of her. She scooted closer to me. "To find you." She whsipered in my ear.

Phil POV

I walked down the familular streets of London. They were crowded with people. How would I ever find Arista? I tried to think where I'd go if I was sad. Well... I'd go home of course.

Thats it! Her home. The sea.

I made my way to the dock. Of course, she wasn't there. I thought for sure I had it. I sat down on the ledge of the peir. Something glimered down in the water. I reached down and grabbed it. Arista's necklace.

I tried to remember if I had seen her wearing it at all. She hadn't been. 

Why would it be here? She never leaves without it. I quickly pocket the necklace and stand up on my two feet. 

I dont know what it was, but now that I had ahold of the necklace I felt like I knew where she was. I followed the path that was forming inside my mind.

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now