Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Arista 

I woke up on the floor of a bar. Where was I? What happened? I look around and notice i'm alone in the bar.

I remember being brought here by random men. And being told about my "evil twin" Vera.

I press my hand to my forehead as I try to stand up. Its pounding from a terrible hang over. 

I grab hold of a nearby chair. I look around until the bar phone catches my eye. I quickly grab it and dial Phil's number. After 5 rings, he picks up. "Hello Arista." The voice says. It's definetly not Phil. "Who's this....?" 

"You don't remember? Its the bar tender from last night."

"Oh... well why do you have Phil's phone..?"

"Silly Arista.... Don't you remember what happened last night?"

"Uh... no....?"

"Hmm... well If you want to find Phil.. I suggest you think real hard. Bye now." He hung up.

What wasn't I remembering about last night? Last thing I remembered was ordering another drink. Probably not a good last memory. I also remember the feeling of pain....

I look down at my hand which was just pressed to my forehead. Its covered in blood, well somewhat dried blood.

What happened here last night?

I quickly dial Dan's number. His phone's answered after 3 rings.

"Hello Arista." A girl's voice says back to me. My voice...

"Who is this??" I frantically ask. 

"Well its clearly not Dan. But I sure sound awhole lot like you, dont I?" 

"Y-Yeah.. so who are you?"

"you know who I am. Think with your tiny little brain."


"See that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"Where's Dan?"

:"Laying in my bed. We totally fucked last night. And he even knew I was me not you."

My heart seems to be ripped from my chest. I know I shouldn't believe her... but I can't help it. I really just want to hang up in cry, but I know they're probably watching me.

"What you don't believe me? Why dont you come find out? 1293 Adversoin Way." She hangs up.

1293 Adversoin Way.

I know I probably should go, because they may be in trouble. But, I really didn't want to. I really didn't know if either of them liked me anymore. So, if this was a trap, what would I have to lose?

I start heading out the bar, and on my way to 1293 Adversoin Way. 

(A/N): Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with me so far. I'd really like to know what you think of the book so far... I mean I'm writing them for you. So comment your review, and vote for support. Thanks guys ily xx

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now