Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - Dan 

The ocean breeze had me shivering although it was summer. Phil and I were down by the beach for the day, one of our favorite places. Unfortunately, it was always rather cold here considering we lived in England.

"So Dan what should we watch when we get home?" Phil asked me. We had a weekly movie night every Saturday. I couldn't decide what mood I was in. Last week it had been a horror mood; we watched The Sixth Sense. I was about to suggest we have a Buffy marathon, when I noticed a figure off in the distance. 

"Hey... do you see that girl over there?" I asked Phil. He turned his head to follow my gaze.

About thirty feet or so, a girl with beautiful long, brown hair was standing alone and staring at the water. I'm really not the type to call out to strangers, but something was drawing me to her. I left Phil standing in our spot as I pursued the girl.

"Hi sorry to bother you..." I started as I reached the girl.

Then, she turned around. I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. With her dark hair, perfectly pale skin, and long, fluffy eyelashes. Yet, I felt as if I had seen her before... 

The expression on her face told me she was thinking the same thing.

"Sorry... do I know you?" She questioned me. Her voice was soft and lovely. 

"Not that I know, but... you just seem so familiar."

"That's so weird... I was just thinking the same thing." She smiled at me, making my heart stop.

"My names Dan. Dan Howell. What's yours?"

"Arista. Arista Grey."

"Arista," I said her name back like it was some kind of wonderful secret. "That's a beautiful name. I don't know why though but you almost look like a... Blair."

She furrowed her brows at me as if it was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. By this time, Phil had walked over to join our conversation.

"Hi I'm Phil! Do you know Dan?" He asked the girl whose name I now knew was Arista. 

"Not yet," she simply replied. "I'm Arista by the way."

"Nice to meet you."

"I was just telling Arista how familiar she looks to me. Do you recognize her Phil?" 

He stared at her for a moment as if he was trying to remember something. Then he shook his head no. "I've never seen her in my life."

"That's so weird," I whispered. Arista shrugged in response, as if to say she didn't recognize him either. "Sorry I don't mean to be weird, but would you like to join us for a movie night?"

She let out a little chuckle. "Sorry I don't watch movies with strangers." 

My heart sank at her answer. It was a stupid question any way.

"But for you... I might just make an exception. Since we apparently knew each other in another life." All three of us laughed at that comment.

So, we headed home to watch a movie. We decided on watching Splash, because Arista was apparently a big fan of Tom Hanks. I couldn't help but think Arista looked like she belonged to the ocean. The way she was staring at it earlier only helped my theory. But who knows where she came from or if I had met her before. All I know is that a girl as beautiful as her does not come from nothing. And in this moment, I am perfectly content with her sitting next to me on my couch. I cant't wait to get to know the mysterious girl with the long, dark brown hair.


AHHHHHHHH This is it! The end of a long, wonderful journey. I started writing Washed Away in 2012!!! I can't believe I've finally finished the series. Thanks to those who have been here through out the whole thing. You've stuck with me even though i've neglected you. I hope this chapter makes up for the last three years of bad writing. If you're confused you may want to go back and read the first chapter of Washed Away.... Hope it brings back some memories.

Thank you and I love you all

Merry Christmas 

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