Chapter 4

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Arista Chapter 4

I ducked behind  dumpster after running out the building. I had to catch my breath from running down 18 flights of stairs, in heels. I lookedup trying to peer into their window. I couldn't see from this angle. I decided to give up for the night and went out for a walk.

I strolled down the streets of London for about 30 minutes before stopping in front of a bar. I had nothing better to do so I decided to go inside. There was about 3 different groups of men together. I headed over towards the bar.

"Whisky please." I ordered the bar tender. He looked shocked. "Could a little girl like you even hold down one shot?" He laughed. I felt angry. Who did he think he was to talk to me like that. "Of course I can." I gritted my teeth together.

He gave me a whatever you say look before mumbling to himself, " I'd sure like to see this. ". I felt the urge to snap his neck. I could handle anything. He slid a glass of whisky down to me. I chugged the whole thing inone gulp, watching his jaw drop in disbelief. "More please." I said with a cocky half smile.

By then, Some of the guys had already come over to watch me chug down more drinks. I was on my 4th one now. "CHUG CHUG CHUG!!" They all yelled. I took it all down in one gulp yet again, still not the least bit tipsy. "Dang girl you got skill. Whats your name hun?" One of the drunk guys came up to me. "Arista" I whispered with a seductive hint. "Lovely name. Could I buy youa drink?" He asked. "Sure, why not?" I said a little too bitterly. I didn't take rejection well. Especially not from Dan and Phil.

He bought me another drink. "Well i'll just be heading out of her. Bye guys." I said to everyone who was previously surrounded by me. A chorus of awhs and boos followed. I couldn't help but half smile. I guess I had that effect on people. 

"Wait, where are you going?" That guy that bought me the drink chased after me. "Any where but here.", I laughed before heading out the door. I didn't know where to go so I just started heading behind the bar. Maybe all the alcohal was catching up with me.

I heard some foot steps. "Hello?" I called. The footsteps stopped, and there was know answer. I shrugged it off, I was probably just hearing things. But then, I felt something on my arm. It was one of those guys who were cheering me on. 4 other of his buddies were behind him.

"Where do you think you're going, Princess?" He slurred. 

I couldn't help but laugh to myself. "Yea thats right, I am a princess. So you better get your hand off me or you'll regret it buddy." I spat in his face. He didn't seem to like my response. His face grew in anger. He turned back to his friends and said, "What do you know guys? WE got lucky. This one here is a princess." They all laughed.

I yawned in boredem. Then, in the blink of the eye, the "leader" shoved me up against the wall and began trying to take off my top. trying.

"Is that the best you got? " I laughed. I quickly kicked him in the crouch with my heel. He was on the ground screaming out in pain. I went to the other side of him and kicked his back down hard onto the pavement. I grabbed his head by the hiar, and slammed it hard against the pavement. Dead.

I acted like I was wipping dust off my hands as if it was nothing. "Who's next?" I challenged them. They all looked pretty scared. Well except for the stupid one in the back who began to come forward. Before he could get could close enough, I did a kart wheel, allowing my heels to hit him in the head. He was knocked out, but not quit dead. 

I took off my shoe and shoved it into the back of his head. Dead... for sure. "They were last season anyways." I snickered at the remaining men. They, knowing what was best for them, ran for their lives. 

I turned around to walk away from the scene, walking on the dead guys bodies, when someone called my name. "Arista..?" They shouted. I froze in place. Oh god please dont be Dan or Phil. I slowly turned around, letting out a sigh of relief. It was only the guy from the bar.

"What do you want?" I said trying to seem like he was a waste of time. He took a few steps forward. He seemed scared. "How did you do that..?" He slowly asked. "Practice." I took a few steps towards him to give him a little scare. He didn't back down.

"Are you really a princess?" He asked breathlessly.

"Heh.. something like that." I let out a a humorless laugh. By now, I was only about 3 inches away from his face. I leaned in and kissed him. This is what I liked to call a free pass to somewhere to sleep for the night.

We pulled apart. "What's your name anyways?" I asked. "Nathan." He answered starring into my eyes. Most guys did, Who could blame them? They were quite lovely. "Wanna go back to your place?" I whispered while bitting his lip. He probably thought he would be getting laid tonight. But I had a better idea in mind. 

"Sure.." He replied hesitantly. And just like that we headed off. 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now