Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Phil

I woke up the next morning not remembering much. Images of Dan yelling at Arista, him leaving, Arista falling asleep on the couch. I remembered Arista telling me she had no where to stay, and balling her eyes out for the rest of the night. I felt bad for her, but at the same time I was hurt. Clearly, she liked Dan a lot more than me.

I climbed out of bed to go check on her. She was nuzzled in the couch. I couldn't help but smile. I then walked to Dan's room to see if he ever came home. Sure enough, he was asleep in his bed. 

I walked back out to where Arista was sleeping to make coffee, but she was gone. "Arista?" I called out for her. I looked over to see the window was open, unlike it was early. What did she do, jump out the window? 

I turned around to go check in the kitchen, and there she was right behind me. "Hello Phil." She almost whispered in a seductive tone. There was a cocky half smile plastered to her face. "Oh hey... where did you go?" I questioned her. She looked over at the opened window, and her smile dropped. "Did you open that?" She asked, sounding mad. 

"N-No..?" I answered nervously. What was coming over her?

She didnt say anything back I noticed she wasn't wearing the clothes I gave her to wear. "Where did you get those clothes?" I asked her yet another question. She shrugged and walked past me to the kitchen. My heart hurt even more... Maybe she finally realized she really did want Dan.

I followed her into the kitchen. "Why are you following me?" She glared at me. I was shocked. I let her stay the night, and she knows how I feel about her. "This is my house?" I tried to play it off cooly. "Oh." Was all she said. 

"Well I'm gonna get going bye." She mumbled walking out the door without even looking at me. Just like that she was gone. I was so confused. I remembered what Dan was saying the other day about her being totally rude. She was clearly having some type of bipolar thing.

I decided to head over to Dan's room to ask him about it. I pushed the door open. I couldn't believe my eyes, because there stood Arista standing in the corner, starring at Dan sleep. I noticed the window was open. "Arista?" I whispered trying not to wake Dan. She seemed to be yanked out of her trance. "Huh?" She said looking up at me. 

She looked arounf and finally realized where she was. "Why are we in here?" She asked like she didn't remeber coming in. I noticed she was wearing the clothes I gave her. My mind was going crazy.  Something was definetly going on with her. 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now