Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Arista POV

"Dan.. What're we going to do?" I cried into his shoulder.

We had finally made our way back to his and phil's flat. But, there was no sign of Phil. I had ruined their friendship and my friendship with Phil. I was a terrible person fish thing. That's right.... I'm a fish. Why am I even up here ruining their lives? 

"He'll show up. I promise." Dan began stroking my hair. 

Suddenly, we heard the door unlock and slam shortly after. I looked up with teary eyes and saw Phil stumble into the living room. 

"Are you drunk?" Dan scoffed. Phil let out a short laugh and rolled his eyes. 

"I was just getting my stuff." He slammed the door to his room. Dan and I got up to go after him at the same time, but I stopped Dan. I was the one who needed to talk to him.

I flung the door open with out knocking. Phil had his suit case sprawled out across the bed and sure enough he was packing up all his things.

"Phil.... please don't do this...." I whispered, putting my small hand on his shoulder. He briskly turned around and flicked my hand off of him. "Don't touch me." He said through grited teeth. I was scared, I'd never seen him so angry.

"Phil I-" I was cut off by seeing his hand coming straight towards me to slap my cheek. I used my new found telekinesis powers to stop his hand before it touched me. Even though he didn't hit me, the pain within my heart hurt so much more. 

"How could you..?" Tears fell from my eyes more ponderous than rain from the sky.

"Arista I'm so sor-" He begin but I cut him off with, "Save it Phil."

I turned around and walked out of his room. 


"Arista? Are you okay?" I questioned her as she came out of Phil's room. She was crying again, but this time she looked more angry and hurt than guilty.

"Perfect." She replied in a low voice. 

Obviously everything was far from perfect. I didn'y know how to help her if she wouldn't tell me what was wrong. 

"I'm going out for a bit." She told me before walking by me and out the front door.

"Arista..?" I called out, but she was already gone.

I walked into Phil's room to see he was sitting on his bed crying his eyes out. That's when it dawned on me that our friendship was ruined. All because of one beautiful girl. 

"What happend?" I asked him.

He looked up from his hands and at me. "I messed up so bad Dan. I almost hurt her because of my stupid drunken anger. We could have all been friends but I messed it up for good."

"Almost hurt her...?"  I asked.

"I-I don't know why.... I almost slapped her but she stopped me. Where is she?" He said in between sobs. I tried to contain my anger at him for almost hurting Arista. She was so fragile... I don't know how she's coming to respond.

Arista POV

I made my way to the oh so famililar beach. One step in the water and I could end both Dan and Phil's pain. Or I could try and erase their memories of me... yeah that could work. But what about the pain I was feeling?

I always try so hard to make them happy, but I never stopped to realize how unhappy I was.

I began to create bigger waves in the ocean with my mind than there already were. They crashed and slammed into the shore. Honestly, I wanted to be sucked in and hit my head against that stupid rock wall. 

The waves got taller and more forceful. It was making m feel better until I heard a faint scream in the distance. 

Of course I had forgot to check for humans in the water. A boy around the age of 20 was out in the water screaming and drowning. I instantly stopped and dove in after him, not thinking about it. 

By the time I got to him, I had changed full blown into my normal mermaid self.

Luckily, I got to him in time. I dragged him on the shore but he was unconcious. After giving him CPR, his eyes finally began to creep open. Before he could get a good look at me, I dove back into the water. 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now