Chapter 3

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Chpater 3 Phil

Earlier that night (7:15)

I sat at the couch playing some Sonic video games tog et my mind off things. Dan had just left to go do something. I didn't catch what he was doing. I paused the game before chucking the controler across the room.  I let out a long sigh while pulling my hair.

Life had been so much harder now that Arista was gone. Dan and I were barely speaking, which crushed me. Arista was his girlfriend and I pretty much broke them up. But at the same time, all I wanted to do was hold her.

I heard a faint knock at the door. I sat up composing myself. We hadn't had a visitor in forever so I kinda forgotten what to expect. I walked over and opened the door. And there stood Arista.

She took my breath away. The window from swinging the door open so fast blew in her hair. Her gorgeous purple eyes starred at me, with her unforgetable smile. My heart throbbed. "Hi Phil" She faintly whispered.

"A-Arista... is that you?" I asked breathlessly.

She nodded, her smiling growing even bigger. "May I come in?" She asked. I quickly motioned her to come inside. She walked right over to the couch and sat down. She knew our flat so well. "Playing video games I see?" She observed the paused Sonic game.

I laughed nervously. I wasn't used to talking to anyone, let alone the love of my life in forever. "Y-Yea..." I stuttered. I walked over and sat by her. "Soo... what have you been up to..?" I asked her trying not to seem awkward. 

She seemed to be thinking about her answer. She turned her head to look out the window before turning towards me to answer. "Just thinking mainly... you?" She replied. I starred into her eyes. They were almost a lavender color... it was so mesmorizing. 

"Phil..?" She broke my train of thought. 

"Oh.. haha sorry.... I um... I've just been doing this.." I gestured towards the tv. She laughed a little. "Where's Dan?" She asked peeking her heard around the corner to wear his room is. "Oh he's out doing asomething. He should be back soon." I tried to smile. Was she here for Dan?

"Oh okay well... want to play a game? A video thingy?" She pointed towards the TV. "Sure." I nodded trying not to show how disappointed I was. All I wanted was for her to kiss me and tell me she chooses me. 

I took out sonic and put in Mario kart. I chose Luigi and she chose Peach. We began playing, and not even 5 seconds we were both laughing uncontrolably. Arista was so bad. I loved hearing her laugh. 

I decided that even if she chose Dan, i'd still be happy. Because then she'd be happy. And I'd get to hear her lovely laugh...

Right before we were about to start the third round, I heard the door being unlocked. I turned around to see Dan walk in. I thought his face would light up and he'd be filled with joy. He saw her, and his face filled with bitter and confusion. 

"Hi Dan." Arista half smiled putting down her controler. "How did you change so fast?" Dan's eye brows furrowed together as he asked. Arista's face was filled with pure confusion. "What..?" Was all she said. Changed? Had Dan seen her before me? 

"You were just wearing those black clothes." Dan said sternly. I looked over at Arista, she was wearing a white dress. "I've been wearing this all day." She replied. Dan's face filled with shock and anger. "Then who did I see earlier?" He asked. Arista and I shrugged at the same time.

"Is this some kind of prank? Because if so its not funny." Dan questioned us. He crossed his arms. "Dan, I haveno clue what you-" "Just leave me alone." He cut her off walking out the door. Arista stood up nd slowly walked half way to the door before turning back around. "What did I do...?" She began to cry.

"Arista, its not your fault. He's been really moody recently. And seeing things... well by things Imean you. He probably just cant make up his mind if you're reaslly here or not... or something." I walked over and patted her back trying to comfort her. 

She looked up and wipped her tears away. "I hope so..." 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now