Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Phil

The sound of bells ringing flooded my ears as I walked into a tatto parlor. I'm not sure why I went there honestly. I guess I just wanted to make a point or something.

"How can I help you?" The creepy store lady asked me.

She had tattos everywhere, and crimson red hair. Basically, she was your sterotypical "goth". 

"Do you guys do um... lip piercings..?" I quickly made up my mind that would be the least extreme. Lots of people said Dan's earrings were "hot" so maybe this would look cool on me... maybe?

She nodded before leading me to a rack with different types of lip rings. 

I decided to just get an average silver ring. Then, she lead me over to the little chair i'd have to sit in while she did it. She moved around the shop collecting her piercing supplies. I begin to actually realize what I was doing, and I was starting to freak out.

"You've got some wicked fringe." She complimented me whilst rubbing some alcohol on the right side of my lip. "Thanks." I mumbled. 

"What's your name?" She questioned. I told her my name and she smiled. "So Phil, what exactly happened?" Her question caught me by surprise. 


She let out an airy laugh. "I've worked here for 3 years. I've tattoed/pierced the heart broken, the jobless, and possible the criminally insane. No one just comes in to get a random piercing. So what's your story?" 

I let out a long sigh. Everyone could always read me like an open book. Dan had told me that once.

"Heart broken." Finally, I told her.

She nodded in comformation. "You can talk about it if you want."

I watched as she cleaned off the ring that was about to be injected into my lip. 

"My friend Dan.. He dated this girl awhile ago. And while they were dating, we were sorta dating too.... Anyways she finally called it off with me and told me she chose him over me. Just like everyone else always does, I'm not really surprised."

Her hand made its way to my knee, and she rubbed it trying to comfort me,

"If it makes you feel any better, my ex boyfriend slept with my mom." She confessed. I pratically choked on my own spit. Wow, I guess people did have it worse than me...

"I-I'm so sorry..."

She shrugged. "Okay this may hurt a little.."

The piercing gun was put up to my lip. I squeezed my eyes shut and then BAM- there was this feeling of pressure. "Alright and we're done..."

A mirror was placed in my hands so I could further examine myself.

I... I liked it?

I don't reall know.. I definitely looked edgier. 

"Looks great Phil!" She complimented. "What's your name by the way?" I asked.


She began to print out my receipt, but before handing it to me she wrote something on it. 

"It was really nice to see you Phil. Maybe I'll see you again soon for a tatto?" She laughed. I thanked her before walking out of the shop.

Once I was out the door, I looked at what she had wrote. Her number.

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Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now