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"I hope she's waiting for me..."



"Yes baby?"

"So this our new home now?"

I laughed, "Yes Micah, for the one hundredth billion time baby, yes."

I looked down at him as his big eyes roamed the big apartment we just moved in.



"Is this a apartcement?"

Lord, this boy and his words.

I laughed, "An apartment? Yes baby, it is."

"Oh... but it's so big."

"I know, mommy's not ready for a house yet and mommy's too lazy to buy furniture so I chose this. You like it, don't you?"

He looked around again and then back at me, "I have my own room?"

"Of course Micah."

He smiled, "Then I love it!"

"You love me too?" I asked, kneeling down to his level.

He nodded, "Duh mommy."

"How much?"

He started smiling and only showed me a pinch making my mouth drop.

I pouted, "That's how you feel?"

He started giggling.

I nodded, "Alright, well you can really get out then, lil boy cause I don't even like you."

His mouth dropped too and I raised my eyebrows.


"Mhmmm, I said it. Whatcha gonna do?"

"Maaaan." He threw his little arms up.

"Mhm, bye." I said starting to stand up.

Before I could stand he wrapped his little arms around my neck.

"I was just playing mommy dang."

"Oh you were? How much you love me then?" I said adjusting him on my hip.

"More than anyting." He said burying his head into my neck.

"I know baby, I love you too Micah. You're my world."


"Yes baby?"

"I'm hungry."

I laughed, "Chicken tenders?"

"Chicken tenders!"

"Alright baby, let's go get you some chicken tenders."

He jumped out my arms and raced to the kitchen.

What would I do without this boy?

Micah in MM

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