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When I woke up to get Micah ready for Head Start, I had a killer headache and Micah was in my bed cuddled up to me.

Despite my headache, I still smiled at the view. My baby must of heard me crying last night.

It's hilarious how he is only four years old and he's overprotective over my ass. But hey, he got my back, I got his.

When I checked my phone I noticed I had a long ass message from Bryson.
Which read:

Bryson 😒❤️ :  I know your sleep and everything but meatball, you scared the fuck out of me last night. oh and you look like Kim K when you cry btw lmfao 😂😂😂😂 but seriously though Mariah, what was up with that? I have never ever seen you like that before not even close and it kills me that I couldn't see that you're hurting but you can't hide it now, I know your in pain but I know you're not gonna wanna talk about it right now so I'm not gonna pressure you but just know I love you man and I'm here for you just like you're here for me. just know imma come and surprise yo ass tomorrow so be ready. 😁
but forreal tho Mariah just promise me you'll tell what's up with you baby girl whenever you're ready, I just wanna help you like you do me. you're my personal therapist lol, now the roles bouta to change.
have an amazing day, Wonderwoman. ❤️ 3:23 am

By the time I was finished reading the message I was in tears again.
But this time they were happy tears.

I am so glad I that have Bryson in my life. Like he is really the best annoying best friend that a girl can have.

Micah catching me off guard completely suddenly lunged at me while clinging tightly to me.

"Don't cry, mommy." He whined.

More happy tears fell as I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"It's okay Micah, they're happy tears this time." I smiled.

He looked up at me, "You happy?"

I nodded as he wiped my tears and smiled too.

"Why you happy, mommy?" Micah asked curiosity in his eyes.

"Because Bryson is really nice to mommy." I said while wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

Micah nodded, "Yeah, I like Bryson. Maybe he can be Batman?"

I laughed lightly, "Yeah, maybe but come on Superman, let's go get you ready." I said picking him up and going into his room.

I grabbed Micah's khaki cargo shorts, royal blue Polo shirt and his matching high top royal blue Vans for his outfit of the day and ran him a bath.

As I let Micah wash himself I decided to text Bryson back.

fuck you, I do not look like Kim Kardashian when I cry, you asshole. 😂9:17 am

Bryson 😒❤️ : damn, no hey? how are you so hostile early in the morning? 😳 9:18 am

sorry, I didn't eat yet. 😁😂 9:19 am

Bryson 😒❤️ : well that explains a lot. 😂 9:20 am

— 😐 you're so funny. 9:21 am

Bryson 😒❤️ :  I know that but aye I bet you I'll get Harley to school before you get Micah to school. 😈 9:21 am

bring it on, nerd. 😎 9:22 am

Bryson 😒❤️ : seriously Mariah you gotta eat man, you're hurting my feelings. 9:23 am

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