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The next day I woke up to Micah jumping all over my bed.

Oh joy...

I quickly opened my eyes and peeked at him to see him having the time of his life.

This bout to be good.

As he was jumping I sneaked up on him grabbing his little legs and pulling him towards me instantly attacking him with tickles.

"Why you jumping on my bed lil boy?!" I yelled over his laughs.

"Mommy!" He laughed hysterically.

"Huh? Why you jumping on my bed?!"

"I'm sorry!" He laughed.

"You what?"

"Sorry!" He cried out to the point tears were coming out.

I laughed to myself and stopped as Micah took deep breaths.

Soon after when he got his breathing under control he crawled into my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I smiled as I looked down at him, "You still didn't answer my question little boy. Why were you jumping on my bed?"

"I wanted to wake you up." He simply replied.

A normal mom would have been mad but me? I thought it was really sweet that he wanted to ruin my slumber just for my company.

He's just mama's baby.

"I love you boy." I cooed. "You hungry?"

He nodded.

"Okay baby, come on." I said getting up with him still in my arms.

And he stayed in my arms as I made a simple breakfast that consisted of waffles, fruit, and sausage.

When I finished my phone rang. It was Bri.

"Hello?" I said answering.

"Mariah!" She yelled happily into the phone.

I laughed, "Hey boo, I was just about to call you."

"Really? What's up?"

"Um I need a favor..."

"If it's me watching Micah, don't worry I'll do it. Besides Bryson's big headed ass already texted me, forcing me to do it anyways."

I laughed and shook my head, "Typical. But by all means if you had any plans-"

"Oh no no, I'm not doing anything until tonight. But you owe me."

I nodded, "Okay, understandable. How much?"

"Mariah I don't want any money you buffoon, I want to spend time with you. I haven't talked to you in forever! Bryson stole you from me, you were my best friend first." She whined like a little kid.

"I know, I'm sorry. Bryson is an ass, isn't he?"

"I tried telling you!"

I laughed, "But seriously, I am sorry. And I miss you too, I promise as soon as me and Bryson get back I will be at your door."

"You better, Mariah Rochelle Adams." She said sternly.

"Damn, full names now Brianna Ashlyn Jones?"

She laughed, "Alright, you got it. But I am not playing with you."

"I know, I know but I gotta go get Micah ready. I'll see you soon."

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