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Yesterday was another big bowl of perfect but now it's time for business.

It's Monday so it's back to work and this time Bryson really is going to be busy this week since he's planning for the promo tour.

I'm gonna miss my B-Bear but I guess I'll live.

I went to work early because Camille and Karmen are dying to talk to me.

And honestly I miss them too, I haven't spoken to them since my party. I miss Omar as well, he was out of town last weekend so that's why he couldn't make it because Bri said she invited him.

He told me happy birthday a million times and said he'll make it up to me though so it's all good.

When I got to Krewz Pictures & Productions, Camille and Karmen were already in my studio.

I looked around, "Hey?"

"That's all you can say?" Karmen asked.

"Good morning... ?" I shrugged making them laugh.

"Sit down Mariah. We need to talk." Camille said pulling out my chair.

I walked over to my chair, and sat down slowly.

"See I told you she got dicked down! You seen how slow she sat down? You owe me twenty!" Camille exclaimed holding out her hand to Karmen.

Wayment... I know these hoes didn't.

Karmen sucked her teeth, "Maaaan, thanks a lot Mariah."

My eyes widened, "I didn't though!"

They both stared at me, not believing me.

I mugged them, "Seriously, I didn't. And why are y'all betting on my sex life anyways?"

"Because we have no lives." Karmen shrugged.

I laughed, "Y'all get on my damn nerves."

"We love you too but Mariah! Why didn't you tell us that you were fucking loaded?!" Camille's overdramatic ass exclaimed,

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"First you're friends with that fine ass photographer Omar, then you have Bryson Tiller on your arm! Like literally THE Bryson Tiller, and then your party was full of celebrities! Like what the hell?" She nudged me.

"Right, you could've let us know you were big balling like that." Karmen added,

"Okay one, you guys are crazy and two, yes me and Bryson are friends but him and Bri are the ones that planned the party, I didn't know all of them were gonna be there. I didn't even know there was gonna be a party anyways."

"Okay true, you got a point but all I know is that was the best party in LA history." Karmen smiled.

"No, seriously though. It's everywhere online!" Camille agreed.

Well... thank you Bryson.

I nodded, "It was very fun. I really enjoyed myself."

"We know." They said at the same time.

I looked around, "Um... wha-"

"We seen you all over Bryson." Karmen smirked.

"Right, let me find out you a freak... It's always the quiet ones." Camille added.

Damn, was I really that bad?

My cheeks turned red, "But I was-

"No need to explain yourself, we know that's your man. Y'all are cute though. With y'all skin tones and everything, y'all compliment each other really well." Camille said cutting me off.

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