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"Aww sis, I miss you already." My older sister said to me through the phone.

"I know Maya, I can't believe I finally made this move. It's so refreshing." I happily sighed.

"I bet. Did all your stuff make it there yet?"

"Yep, my car made it here yesterday."

"That's amazing, those pictures you sent me were crazy like I didn't even know an apartment could like that."

I sighed, "I know, I'm surprised I can actually afford it."

She scoffed, "Girl please, you're Mariah Adams, the famous photographer."

"And what's the supposed to mean? You're Maya Adams, the sexy flight attendant."

She laughed, "Bye Mariah."

"I'm forreal, but you talked to Daddy lately?"

"Did I? Girl, I called him before I called you."

I nodded, "Okay, well I guess I'll call him then."

"Okay sis, have fun in LA and make sure you kiss my nephew for me."

"You know I will, I love you."

"I love you too. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye baby." She said as she hung up.


A few minutes later I heard his lil feet running down the stairs with his book bag in hand.

"You ready, Superman?"

"Yes! I hope there's girls." He smiled.

I scrunched my eyebrows.

"What did you say, lil boy?"

"I said I hope there's... toys."

I nodded, "Oh okay. That's what I thought you said."

He laughed as we headed out the door.

The whole way down the elevator, Micah was explaining how excited he was for a new school. I couldn't help but laugh, he loves to learn and to meet new people so I know he's gonna have fun.

"And what you gone tell em baby?"

"That I can count to a hundred and they can't!" He yelled.

I gave him a highfive, "Thats mama's baby!"

When we entered the lobby I said hey to the girl at the front desk as we went outside to the car garage.

I settled Micah in his car seat and put in the directions to his new Early Learning Head-start school.

It's so different moving to a different state, especially if it's from the DMV to LA.

I've been here for a week and three days, and I'm nowhere near being used to it.

My job gave me the opportunity to relocate and of course I took the chance. I love my home and all, but I can't stay in the DMV all my life.

I want Micah to see more than that.

So far, I got my apartment settled, got Micah enrolled in a new school, got food in my fridge, and my Eco-friendly Hummer made it here in one piece.

So far, so good.

I start at the new location next week so I have to find someone to watch Micah while I'm at work.

Lord knows I don't have any friends and I hate having strangers around my child so I guess we'll see how this goes.

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