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"clearly baby, it's you that I want. listen, I don't wanna confuse you, don't ever think that I'd use you..."


As soon as I was about to give him a piece of my mind I was cut clean off by Alicia.

"It's been awhile Bry, how have you been?" She flirtatiously asked while carressing his arm.

"Look you need to back to fuck up. And don't fucking touch him." I said sternly glaring at her.

She raised her eyebrows and removed her arm, crossing it with the other, "Why do you care? You guys aren't dating right?" She smirked.

Bryson sucked his teeth, "Alicia-"

I cut him off, "No she's right, we're not. I'm with him right now though so touch him again while we're here and see what the fuck happens."

She smiled at me then looked at Bryson, "I'll see you soon, Bryson."

She then leaned in closer to my ear and whispered, "Not you though."

"When I fuck yo ass up, you better hope that you can see at all." I snarled.

She simply smiled before walking away.

And that's what pisses me off, she's smiling like shit is funny. The only thing that's gonna be funny is when I break all her damn teeth with my fist.

By now my blood was boiling as I stood there trying not to make a scene.

The ONLY reason I'm not dragging her fake ass up down and around this club is because me and Bryson are very lowkey. Especially Bryson.

And I don't wanna fuck up our reputation by getting arrested for moping the floor with the bitch.

"Mariah." He said lowly wrapping his arms around me for the back.

I pushed his arms off me, "Get off me, Bryson."

He sighed, "Mariah, please don't trip."

"Does it look like I'm fucking tripping?" I snapped back.

Damn, maybe fuck is my favorite word to use when I'm mad.

Bryson stayed silent.

I shook my head, "We'll talk about this later."

I'm definitely not about to leave cause then that trick will think that she won when really this shit ain't nowhere near over.

Y'all thought Bryson don't play?
Nah, I really don't play about mine.

I will admit that I was giving Bryson the cold shoulder a little bit but not too much because I didn't want everyone to notice.

At one point me and Bryson completely separated while I kicked it with Camille and Karmen. You could've just said I was chilling by myself though since Camille and Omar were caked and Karmen was gushing over Swan.

Oh yeah, I can't wait to go to work tomorrow. It's time to reverse roles.

After awhile I got tired of the party scene and honestly this Bryson and Alicia thing is really starting to bother me so I need to go before I blow up.

I walked up to Bryson and Swan who were just standing along the sides laughing.


"You ready to go baby?" Bryson asked.

I simply nodded.

Bryson nodded and turned to Swan, "You staying here bruh?"

Swan nodded, "Yeah. Ole girl was feeling me most def, so imma shoot my shot." He smiled widely.

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