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It was 7:18 pm and Micah was knocked out so I took this chance to make a quick run to the store.

I was making Slutty Brownies.
It's cookie at the bottom, Oreo in the middle, and brownie at the top and they're fucking delicious.

In the lobby, I seen Bri typing something on the computer.

"Hey Bri." I said when I approached her.

"Hey Mariah, what's up love?"

"Nothing, just making a quick store run before Micah wakes up. I'm making Slutty Brownies." I smirk.

She just looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and a wrinkled forehead.

"Do the brownies have herpes orrr?"

I laughed loudly and shook my head, "No, it's just that it's cookie on the bottom, Oreo in the middle, and brownie on top. I don't know where the name comes from."

"Oh my god, that sounds amazing." She moaned.

I nodded, "I know. It taste betters than it sounds. When you off? I'll text you when they're done."

She looked her phone, "I'm off in about thirty minutes actually. I'm really just waiting for Harley's dad to come back."

I scrunched my eyebrows at the familiar name, "Harley?"

Bri nodded, "Yep, she's the sweetest little thing, I don't mind."

I smiled, "Aww I bet, you babysit too?"

She shrugged, "I mean not all the time and not for everyone. I'll only do it for a select few."

I nodded slowly.

I think I might have someone to watch Micah while I'm at work.

As we continued talking again, that Bryson dude walked in and when he seen us his face instantly lit up.

"Wassup Bri," he greeted her and they did this weird handshake then he turned to look at me and smiled widely, "Ms. Adams."

I just eyed him up and down, I was really about to continue my conversation with Bri but that would have been overly rude so I said, "Bryson."

He smirked, "So you know a nigga now?"

I tucked in my lips and shrugged, "I guess you can say I did my research."

He laughed, "Research for what? I'm not a murderer or anything."

"And how am I suppose to know that?" I said raising my eyebrow.

He laughed but my face was straight. I was serious, you never know a persons true colors right away.

I looked back at Bri, "Anyways Brianna I gotta go, I'll text you later."

She smiled, "Okay Mariah, I'll see you in a few."

I nodded and looked at Bryson one last time before leaving.

He's so weird.


"Did you see that?" I asked Bri once Mariah left.

She shook her head, "No, see what?"

"Why the fuck she hate me so much?"

Bri laughed, "She doesn't hate you, Bryson. Quit being dramatic."

"I'm not, it's obvious that she hates me."

She shrugged, "Maybe it's because... you're ugly." She said imitating Patrick from Spongebob's voice.

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