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When it was time to go pick up Micah,
I decided to call my dad.

I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and waited for it to ring.

After the second ring, he answered,


"Hey daddy."

"Hey princess, how's it going?"

"Good, I'm just going to pick Micah up from school right now."

"Yeah, it was his first day huh?"

"Yeah, hopefully he'll be tired out when I get em but I honestly doubt it."

"I know that's right, that boy just like his pops. He don't get tired."

I sighed and shook my head, "Daddy."

He laughed, "Okay, no more."

"But how's the shop?"

"You already know, business is still booming, especially since I added this new Matte paint."

"Yeah, I kinda wanted my car to be a matte black or a matte purple but imma just stick to my turquoise. It fits me."

"Well if you do, you know where to come get it."

"Yeah? What if I want a new car?"

He laughed again, "Once again, you know where to come get it princess."

I laughed, "I was just playing Daddy, you know my Hummer is the only one for me."

"I spoil you and your sister too much. You know that?"

"I be tryna tell you, you don't have to. We both got big bank, we straight."

He gave me a whole-heartedly chuckle which made me smile.

"Big bank huh?"

I nodded, "Bankroll, bankroll." I said like Bankroll PJ.

"Alright Ms. Bankroll, imma be expecting some of that big bank when I get all old and useless."

"You know I got you regardless and you'll never be useless Daddy, be quiet."

"Oh yeah, I am Iron Man huh?"

"Yep, you and Micah are my only superheroes."

"You better not forget it either."

"I won't but I gotta go, I just pulled up to his school."

"Alright princess, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay daddy, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. Kiss my grandson for me."

"Okay, I will."



I know it's obvious, I am the biggest Daddy's Girl.

That man means everything to me.

Anyways, I walked to his classroom and when he seen me he immediately jumped into my arms.


"Hey Superman, you had fun?"

"Yes! I thought you weren't gonna come back."

I laughed, "Boy, you know I will never leave you."

He exhaled and acted like he wiped sweat from his forehead making me laugh.

I turned my attention to Ms. Reid, who was just smiling at the scene.

"Thank you, Ms. Reid. How was he?"

"He was a pleasure Mariah, a real sweetheart."

Micah just gave me a blank face, "Mommy. I told you, I got this."

I laughed, "I know, I'm sorry. But I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Reid. Thanks again."

She smiled, "You're welcome Mariah, see you tomorrow Micah."

"Bye Ms. Reid!" He waved at her.

Once I got him settled in his seat, the motor mouth began.

"Mommy I had so much fun and I made a lot of friends too."

"Oh yeah? Like who?"

He paused, "Umm... Jordan, Omar, Ciara, Trey, and Harley!"

"Wow, that's good Micah."

"Yep! And guess what?"


"They like superheroes too!"

I laughed, "That's good baby, mommy made a friend today too."


"Yep, her name is Brianna."



"I like Lo Angelos."

I laughed, "Los Angeles and me too baby. Wanna get ice cream?"


I laughed, "Okay, ice cream coming up."

After me and Micah got ice cream and went to the park he fell asleep in the car.
Mission accomplished.

When we made it home, I didn't see Bri so I just went up to my place.

I laid Micah down and went to go start on dinner.

I got the materials out to make Cheeseburger sliders with French fries.
I know he'll be satisfied with that.

As I was making the mini patties, my mind started to wander off to earlier today.

Bryson Tiller.

The name does sound familiar now that I think about it.

I guess I'll have to do my research.

When I had everything in the oven and in the deep fryer, I sat at the table with my laptop.

I went to Google and typed in his name and this mixtape called Trap Gold, more older mixtapes, and singles popped up.

But one is particular caught my attention...

Ohhhh! Duh, Mariah.

He's the one who sings the song, "Don't".

I love that song I just never knew what he looked like.

Well, I don't care who he is. He better learn to keep his hands to his self.

Once everything was prepared, I went to go wake my baby up.

"Mommy." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Yes baby?"

"Why I go to sleep?" He asked.

I laughed, "You had a long day baby."

"Yeah, can I play my game after I eat?"


"Kay." He said stuffing a fry in his mouth.

Somedays I just look at my son, and my heart just aches. He looks just like his dad, and it hurts me to know he won't grow up with him in his life.

The good thing is he is very aware of who
his father is.

Knowing me, I'll probably be single for the rest of my life so the only father figure he'll have is my dad.

I know his father is watching over the both of us though.

I hope he knows he is dearly missed, and because of him I'll probably never love again.

Mariah in MM

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