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Once me and Mariah returned to her party she was attached to me by the hip.

Even after I smashed cake in her face.

Like that girl would literally not be away from for more than five minutes.

I didn't mind though, I love spending time with my baby.

And so far the night was going really good. Everything was going as planned with plus some chill ass vibes.

There were bottles everywhere, and being that it is 4/20 everyone was high as fuck, people laughing, having a good time, Mariah and her girls laughing and dancing, bitch ass Omar wasn't here. There was absolutely no drama.

A complete success.

I did decide to not get completely wasted because I'm not a heavy drinker anyways and I wanted to keep an eye on Mariah.

It's her birthday so I just want her to have a good time.

But obviously I wasn't keeping a good eye on her because I didn't realize she was completely off her ass.

She sat next to me after being with Bri and smiled all hard.

I chuckled, "Mariah what?"

She shrugged before smirking and pulling my ear to her mouth.

"Take me home." She whispered seductively.

My eyes widened, "Mariah-"

I was cut off by her kissing my earlobe and moving down to my jawline.

I shuddered as I felt my shaft harden in my pants.

Yeah, Mariah is drunk as fuck.

I pushed her away and laughed, "Babygirl, you drunk as hell right now."

She shook her head and smiled, "Nuh uhhhh."

"Yes you-"

I was cut off again by her pulling my face in for a kiss. I kissed back but I had to pull away when she started sucking on my bottom lip.

"Damn Bryson, get y'all ass a room!" Cole laughed.

I laughed too, "It's not even like that."

What I really need to do is get her ass home though, cause she is tripping.

"Brysooooon." She whined as rubbed up my thigh and tried to grab my dick.

I sucked in air calming myself,
"I swear if yo ass wasn't drunk..." I mumbled.

She obviously seen what she was doing to me because she tried to do it again.

Of course, I had a hard-on but her ass is going to have to torture just like I'm about to.

I shook my head and quickly got up, "Aye y'all I gotta get her ass out of here cause she out of it, I'll catch up with y'all later though." I said to the crew dapping them up before before throwing Mariah over my shoulder.

I found Bri to let her know wassup, and she understood and felt bad for letting her drink so much.

I should've known her ass didn't know how to handle her liquor.

As soon as I got her in my car, she started rambling.

"Bryson I-I love you, let's go get married." She slurred.

I laughed and shook my head, "You wanna get married, baby?"

"Yep, in Vegas and I want Elvis to do it."

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