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"Even though you're all alone, all alone when I am gone... I just wanna keep you warm. I'm coming back, I'm coming back..."


"Lena can you just watch her please?"

"Bryson, I can't I'm busy."

"Too busy for our daughter? Get real." I scoffed.

"Says the one who is begging me to come get her."

"Man because I have her all the fucking time! You only see her on the weekends, if that! You know I would take her if I could!"

"Imma need you to lower your fucking voice and calm down. I'm really can't Bryson, bye."

"Man fuck you." I snarled as I hung up.

"Fuck..." I groaned as I leaned up against the wall in the hallway.

I walked back in the apartment and seen Harley still at the table eating her cereal.

When she looked up at me, she smiled.

"Mommy coming?" She asked hopeful.

I sat next to her in one of those small ass chairs.

I sighed, "Nah mama, not today."

Her face fell, "Oh.. okay."

"But we can ask if Bri can watch you." I said trying to brighten the mood.

She smiled again, "Okay!"

I snickered, "You like that huh?"

"Yes, Bri funny." She giggled.

I laughed, "She is, isn't she but okay mama let daddy go get ready. Okay?"

"Okay." She nodded.

I nodded and kissed her forehead before going upstairs.

I had to get ready to go to the studio with one of my music partners, Kehlani. I hate when Lena do shit like this, man. Harley adores her ass and she does this. I don't get it.

She act like she ain't got a daughter sometimes man.

It's cool though, me and Harley gone be good regardless.

I hopped in the shower real quick and got dressed. After that I got Harley dressed and did a horrible attempt at doing her hair.

I grabbed her a few snacks and headed out the door.

I was already fucking late man.

In the lobby I seen Bri at the front desk on the phone. I wonder if it was job related.

"Okay... That's fine... Okay... You're welcome Mr. Greenwood... Yes... Have a nice day Mr. Greenwood."

Once she got off she stared at me with her eyebrows raised.

I smiled, "Aww look at you being all professional."

She rolled her eyes, "Shut up Bryson, what do you want?"

I sighed, "Uhhh... I need a really big favor. I'll pay you and everything, I just-"

"You need me to watch Harley, don't you?"

"Yeah, but if you're busy then I can-"

"Bryson, shut up. I would love to watch wittle Harweeeey." She said leaning down to pinch her cheeks.

"Thanks Bri forreal, like I said I'll pay you-"

"Bryson, shut up." She said for the third time. "You don't have to pay me dude, I make enough money working here. I'm straight."

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