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"baby it's been that way..."


As usual whenever Mariah leaves, I don't know what to do with myself so I did the best thing I knew how to do.

I grabbed my laptop and worked on some music.

Cause I'm really trying to drop TrapSoul right after this promo tour.

Two hours went by of writing lyrics, processing music, and e-mailing.

I am in the zone.

I got a meeting with my publicist and my manager tomorrow to talk about the concert this week in Hollywood, the album, and tour.

I'm bout to be so busy it's crazy.
I won't have any time for my babies man.

I got those sad thoughts out of mind and continued to work until I eventually fell asleep at my computer.

I woke up two hours later to soft knocks at my door. I looked at the time.

7:17 pm.

"Must be Lena..." I yawned while stretching.

I debated whether I should put on a shirt or not. I went against it as I adjusted my Nike cap on my head.

I quickly ran down the steps and to the door where I opened to see a sleeping Harley in Lena's small arms.

I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face when I seen my baby.

"I'll be right back." I said taking Harley out of her arms, careful not to wake her.

I'm only gonna wake her up when Lena leaves though, I haven't seen my twin all weekend. She is going to wake up and have fun with me even if she has school tomorrow.

I slowly returned to the hallway and leaned on the door waiting for Lena to "talk."

Her eyes lingered on my torso before landing on my face.

I smirked to myself, I know she likes what she's sees. Too bad for her though.

She smiled, "You're getting strong, Bry."

"Don't call me Bry." I stated blankly with a straight face.

Instantly her face turned bright right and into a scowl as she crossed her arms, "But you let that girl call you Bry."

"That girl's name is Mariah and you are not Mariah." I shrugged.

"Damn right, I'm not Mariah! I'm the mother of your damn child!"

I rolled my eyes, "Lena you're yelling, not talking."

She shook her head, "Bryson, seriously?"

I nodded, "Dead serious."

She stepped up and touched my forearm, "Bryson... what happened between us?"

I squinted my eyes at her.

Did she forget that she cheated on me multiple times?

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