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Yesterday was so much fun even though I'm still tryna get sand out my hair today since Bryson wants to tackle people to the ground.

I should sell his ass on EBay.

Anyways, Harley is gonna be over Lena's place for the next three days since she's going to Louisville with Bryson's parents when Bryson goes on tour.

I'm really dreading Sunday, I do not wanna see my babies leave.

Micah is gonna be at Bri's place today because her nephew Cameron is coming over.

He is so adorable and he's a little athlete his self.

Like a mini Cam Newton.

Him and Micah are the same age so it'll be hard them to tire each other out.

I'm probably gonna have to go over there later though to help her calm down two hyper boys but right now I'm gonna continue to be laid up with my man.

Or should I say let him lay on me.

Bryson is on top of me completely laid out while using my breasts as pillows and I'm just here... being squished.

I tapped Bryson's face repeatedly until he woke up.

"Bryson." I whined.

He groaned, "Mariah what? Why you always wanna bother me when I'm sleep?"

I sighed dramatically, "Bryson you're squishing me."

"But... are you dead though?"

I sucked my teeth, "Bryson forreal?"

"Are you dead?"


"Are you dead?" He repeated.

"I swear I don't like you." I grumbled, finally giving up.

He didn't respond, he just closed his eyes and continued to go back to sleep.

I rolled my eyes and started scrolling through Instagram.

I saw Bri post a relatable pic so I screenshotted it.

"prettylikeBri: y'all not hearing me though! ☺️"

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"prettylikeBri: y'all not hearing me though! ☺️"

I commented,

"mariahadams: duh we can't hear you. you posted a picture not a video, silly goose."

I laughed when she commented back,

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