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"I fill that void girl, true enough."


Yesterday day was great. It's been a lil minute since me and Mariah had genuine time together where it was just us and the kids.

After we all left the beach I took them out to eat at a seafood restaurant that sat along the coast and Mariah almost ordered the whole damn menu.
I swear if you put a horse in front of her, she'll eat it and gain nothing.

We then simply ended the day at my crib watching movies.

And for the first time in history I was the last one to fall asleep. I guess cause I had slept in so late that I wasn't all that tired.

So I was up watching movies by myself as Harley laid her big head in my lap and Mariah laid her big head on my shoulder while Micah laid his head in Mariah's lap.

Even though I would have rather been where Micah was, I could really see me having this forever. Like I could never get tired of these moments.

But as I was up by myself Lena texted me. Apparently she finished whatever she was doing and came back in town early so she asked if I wanted to go to lunch tomorrow....

So currently, here I am having lunch with Lena at one of our favorite burger joints, Five Guys.

It was actually going real good. We're having good conversation and making each other laugh without killing each other.

This friendship might just work out.

"So guess who just moved to LA?" I asked sparking another conversation.

"Who?" She said sipping her drink.

"Hayley." I said making her stop sipping and glare at me.

I looked around confused, "What?"

"I don't like her."

I laughed, "Still? Why?"

She gave me a look before shaking her head, "Bevause she obviously was head over heels for your ass knowing damn well you were my boyfriend."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "And how do you know that?"

"Bryson everyone knew except for your ass. You were all she talked about."

I shrugged, "So? I was like her only friend."

"I'm telling you Bryson. She was crazy, probably still is." She said mumbling at the end.

I sucked my teeth, "Man, be quiet. You aren't the sharpest crayon in the box either but here I am eating lunch witcha looney ass."

Lena laughed loudly and shook her head, "First off, that doesn't even go with what you referring to, I don't   even think you said it right and second this isn't about me but whatever. She liked you back then, she still likes you now, and she proved it at the club, right?"

Damn, I'm stuck.


"Right." She said cutting me off.

I mugged her and threw a fry at her making her giggle.

"But anyways what's going on between you and that pretty girl?" She asked leaning forward looking more attentive.

She can't be serious.

I know she's talking about Mariah cause I mean... who else would it be?

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