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Once Bryson left he took Micah with him so I could sleep in for the day.

And at that moment I realized how lucky as I was to have him as a friend.

I had no problem in letting Bryson get Micah because Micah loves Bryson and then Lena was supposed to come and get Harley today so Bryson would have been lonely.

But that's if she even came and got her.

Anyways I went up there at about 8:00-ish. A day to myself was nice and all but now I was missing my baby way too much and Bryson? Maybe just a little.

Once I got up there I was confused if they were even there because it took forever for someone to come and answer the door.

Just as I was about to call him he opened the door with a kool-aid smile.

He looked at my appearance and smirked.

"You been doing yoga?" He asked.

I looked around, "Um no."

"...Then why you wearing yoga pants? I hope you don't think we gone do it with you cause that shit is-"

"Bryson, shut up. Where's Micah?"

"He's in there making me proud." He smiled.

I blankly stared at him before pushing him out the way and going in.

I guess Lena did get Harley surprisingly.

And behold there was Micah playing some violent video game, with these big headsets on and candy wrappers and wing boxes all around him.

My mouth was agape as Bryson stood next to me with a smile and his arms crossed.

"Bryson, what is this?" I scowled.

"What's what?" He asked clueless.

I gave him the death stare as he still looked confused.

"What? He's just chilling." He said as if it was no big deal.

"Oh yeah? Well, my foot is gonna be chilling in your ass." I said giving him a sarcastic smile.

He raised his eyebrows and I pushed him and snatched the headsets off Micah's head.

He quickly looked up at me, "Hey mommy."  He then focused back on the game, "Bryson can you help me!"

"Of course my man." Bryson said sitting next to him and putting the headsets on, taking the controller from his hands.

I rolled my eyes and picked up Micah placing him on my lap as I sat next to Bryson.

"Have y'all been doing this all day?" I asked.

Bryson shrugged, "Pretty much. Only time we left is when we got food."

I shook my head, "Of course. What game is this?"

"Black Opps." Bryson replied simply.

"Boys." I mumbled under my breath.

After Micah and Bryson cheered when Bryson killed someone Micah nudged me.

"Mommy can I get this game?" Micah smiled up at me.

I scoffed, "Definitely not."

"Whyyyy?" He whined.

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