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"your love is a one eight seven, twenty four seven."


After that conversation with her father, I let Mariah go to sleep in peace.

I still was up, thinking.

I sighed and roughly rubbed a hand down my face.

Always something...

As I laid there in my thoughts Mariah's phone started to ring. I looked over and seen that it was her dad again.

I don't know why but a gut feeling told me to answer it.

I took a deep breath before sliding the answer bar.


"Who the hell is this?" He instantly barked.

Damn, his voice is deep.

I quietly gulped, "Uh, my name is Bryson."

"Bryson?" He repeated.

"Yes sir."

Just when I thought he was about to go off on me, he surprised the hell outta me.

"Ahhhh so you're the young man that's got my princess head over heels?"

I paused, not sure if this was a joke or not.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Uh yes sir, that's me."

"I've heard alot of good things about you, son. And it's been years since she's even brought up a boy so you gotta be special."

"Hopefully, she's really special to me too." I said honestly.

"That's what I like to hear," He cleared his throat, "She's asleep, isn't she?"

"Yeah, she is." I said looking over at her.

He laughed, "Just like when she was a baby. But uh Bryson, can you do me a favor man?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Can you just talk to her for me? She's not gonna listen to what I have to say right now but maybe she'll listen to you. Just speak some sense into her because everyone deserves a second chance."

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll talk to her."

"Alright, thanks son. Now, I'm expecting to meet you real soon."

I laughed, "As soon as I get off tour, I got you."

"Mhm, I'll hold your word to that. Nice talking to you, Bryson."

"You too, sir." I said before he hung up.

When he hung up, I sighed of relief.

Well, that was easier than I expected...

I looked down at Mariah to see her still asleep with her wild ass hair everywhere.

I chucked to myself.

I stuck my finger in her nose to see if she'll wake up.

"Bryson stop." She grumbled and turned over.

"Bryson stop." I mocked.

She sucked her teeth, "Oh my God..."

"You sleep like a nigga bae." I laughed.

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