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Me and Swan stared at her while she cried crocodile tears and Bryson looked like he was in deep thought.

I don't what yet but she's up to something, I know she is.

"Not trying to offend you or anything but you sure it's his?" Bryson asked.

She looked a little taken back but nodded, "Y-yes, I'm positive."

He sighed, "And I'm guessing he doesn't know since you came here..."

She shook her head and started to cry, "I-I'm scared."

I rolled my eyes discreetly.
She a damn lie.

Bryson stood up and immediately called Eric.

"Yo E, get your ass over here now." Bryson said when he answered.

"You'll see when you get here."

Bryson sucked his teeth, "Imma beat yo ass."

"Fuck you. Bye." He said hanging up.

"What am I gonna do?" Hayley kept saying to herself.

"I feel like I'm on a reality tv show." Swan mumbled while playing the game.

I laughed and nudged him.

Me and Duck are gonna get along just fine...

Bryson gave Hayley a bottle of water and came back and sat by me.

He rubbed both hands down his face and looked at her, "Did y'all have sex while you were drunk?" He asked in a serious tone that gave me chills.

Now is not the time to be getting turned on, Mariah.

She shook her head, "No, the morning after. We were both sober." She said lowly.

"Good, cause I was bout to fuck him up." He laughed even though he was serious.

Bryson seriously does not play when a girl is being taken advantage of, despite who it is. It's a fathers intuition.

And it's so sexy.

Gosh Mariah, stop it.

"You think he's gonna wanna be in it's life? It's not like we're together..." Hayley asked out of nowhere.

"Of course my brother is gonna be in it's life, he ain't no punk. He's gonna man up to his responsibilities. I know y'all didn't expect for this to happen but it's only takes once. Yeah, y'all are young and not ready for this but it's all gonna be worth it when those nine months over and y'all end up with one of the biggest blessings in y'all's life and my niece or nephew. Harley literally was the best thing to ever happen to me and even though I wasn't in the best place when Lena got pregnant I had to man up regardless, that's just how me and Eric was raised. He's gonna love that child man, I promise. And if it's a girl we just gonna need some more guns, it's all good Hayley." He says making me genuinely smile.

Just by him saying that, made me fall for him more if that's even possible.

There's one thing I love most about Bryson; his state of mind.

"Marry me." I mumbled to myself.

Bryson smirked. "I plan on it."

"Told you, you wifey." Swan added.

I blushed and wrapped my arms around Bryson and laid my head on his back.

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