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The first time Bryson called me was before he went onstage and he wanted me to wish him luck, even though he didn't need it.

And he told he's gonna call me back when he gets back to the hotel.

So while I waited me and Micah watched Spongebob and ate Hot Cheetos before I put him to bed.

I'm surprised I can still eat Hot Cheetos because Hot Cheetos, cantaloupe, rib tips, and cheesecake was literally all I ate when I was pregnant with Micah.

And it definitely rubbed off on him because Micah loves all four of them.

So he's the perfect combination of me and Messiah.

Looks like Messiah, acts like Mariah.

Anyways we were in Bryson's apartment because in Micah's words, "Bryson has the best games."

Although, I think it's just because he misses him.

I didn't mind, he's place is more comforting and plus his scent fills the entire place.

Me and Micah were currently watching the episode of Spongebob when Mrs. Puff goes to jail.

As I was laughing at the part where Spongebob and Patrick tried to break Mrs. Puff out, I noticed Micah staring at me.

"What's wrong Mi?" I said looking down at him and grabbing his cheek.

"I want a baby brother." He said catching me completely off guard and making my eyes bulge out of my head.

I cleared my throat, "You do?"

He nodded.

"Uh..." I looked around,"Where'd that come from baby?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Harley's too girly."

I laughed, "You still love her though right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I love her. That's my sister."

"Okay good." I said pulling him closer to me.

Now Micah's really got me thinking. I know we play around alot but when does Bryson actually want to have more kids?

It's way too early in our relationship, I know, but I wonder when we'll be ready.

"You and Bryson getting married?" He randomly asked again, looking up at me with curious eyes.

I thought about it before answering, "Yeah, maybe one day."

"Okay..." He paused, "I miss them mommy."

I slightly pouted, "Me too Mi."

After a short silence he spoke again.

"They coming back right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why wouldn't they come back?"

"Because of daddy..." He said lowly making heart break into a million pieces.

I felt the tears build as I laid my head on Micah's.

"Don't worry baby, they're coming back. We just gotta tough it out until they do." I said softly making him nod.

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