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Me and Mariah left after Bri called me threatening to break my nose if we didn't come back soon. She might seem harmless but trust me, I seen it before, that girl is very dangerous.

"Thanks for feeding me." Mariah smiled at me once we arrived back at my home.

I laughed, "No problem, meatball."

She glared at me, "Bryson."

"If you can call me Bry-Bry, I can call you meatball." I shrugged.

"You're just gonna call me meatball anyways!" She pouted.

I nodded and tapped her nose, "That is correct."

She pushed me, "You get on my nerves, Tiller."

I happily sighed, "Music to my ears."

"Music to my ears." She mocked rolling her eyes afterwards.

I laughed at her failed attempt at my voice, "You mocking me now?"

"Maybe." She shrugged.

I nodded, "Yeah okay. What you bout to do though?" I asked her. I actually know what she's about to do, I just don't want her to leave so soon.

"You already know I got to go down to Bri's since she threatened me like eight times already. But it's cause she misses me and she claims you stole me from her." She said raising her eyebrows at me.

I nodded, "She's a smart girl."

Mariah laughed and shook her head, "We're gonna jump you one day, Bryson."

I shrugged, "It's cool as long as I got my two riders by my side."

She raised her eyebrows, "Two?"

I nodded, "Yep. Two as in Harley and Micah."

She scoffed and shook her head, "Nah baby, Micah would definitely be on my side."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Whatever floats your boat, Adams."

She stared at me before shaking her head, "Whatever Bryson, I'm not about to play with you. I'll see you later though, Bri is probably plotting our death as we speak."

I nodded, "Yeah probably. But alright dweeb, I'll call you later." I said giving her a brief hug taking in her scent.

She inhaled deeply, I'm hoping she was doing the same because I smell damn good. I could of sworn I heard her mumble "nerd" though.

"Good luck with your talk with Lena, Bryson." She said running her hand down my face, instantly giving me chills.

I grabbed it, looking down at her, seeing the concern in her eyes, "Thanks Mariah."

She nodded, "Anytime Bryson."

She gave me that one last wide smile that still gives me hope that everything will be fine before she left out the door.

I sighed heavily.

What she does to me boy, I tell ya...

I sure do hope her luck wipes off on me because I damn sure am going to need it.


When I got down to Bri's, I had to knock a few times. And when she opened the door, she had the nerve to glare at me!

"What did I do now?!" I asked.

"You interrupted our movie." She said crossing her arms.

I looked around, "Well... I can go home if-"

She grabbed my arm, "No! You can just watch it with us." She beamed.

I laughed and shook my head.

Only Bri.

I walked in to see that they were watching The Lion King.

One of me and Micah's favorites.
I snook up behind the couch before jumping up and yelling,


"AH!" Micah screamed while jumping off the couch.

I died laughing. I swear I'm ten years old.

Micah ran towards me and crossed his arms.

"Not funny, Mommy." He glared.

"Oh yes it was." I laughed before picking him and kissing his face. "Missed me?"

"Not anymore." He mumbled.

I sucked my teeth, "Boy shut up, you know you missed me." I said sitting down with Micah and digging my hands in the bowl of popcorn they had.

"How was he?" I asked Bri when she returned to the couch.

She had a big smile on her face as I looked at her confused.

Did I miss something?

She shrugged me off, "He was good as always. I had to pay him back with this movie though since I made him watch Cinderella earlier." Bri laughed.

I laughed too once I looked down to see Micah shaking his head.

"It was the black version though!" She shouted.

I shook my head, "I feel ya girl. I'm into Disney and he's into Marvel. A battle I've been facing for four going on five years now." I shrugged.

"He's so hard to please sometimes." She said pinching his cheek.

I scoffed. "Tell me about it. But what's been going on in the life of Bri?"

"Girl, let me tell you..."

And I sat there and listening for what seemed like hours to stories she had about tattoo shop she does some work at and the drama that goes on.

Let me just tell you one thing...


Once we were in a deep convo about future tattoos there were loud knocks at her door.

I scrunched my eyebrows, "You expecting someone?" I asked.

She smiled sneakily, "Actually... I was. Come." She said grabbing my hand pulling me up.

When she opened the door, there was two tall ass fine brown skin men at the door.

As much as I enjoyed the view, I was highly confused.

"Um Mariah..." She nervously laughed but then cleared her throat once she seen my expression, "There was one little thing I forgot to tell you." She said wrapping her arms around the taller man's waist.

"This is my boyfriend, Tyrell and this is his cousin, Omar. And guys, this is my best friend that I love so so much, Mariah." She said squeezing her eyes shut to avoid my reaction.

She is a smart girl.

Before I could run over there and choke the hell out of her, Omar was towering over me with his hand out flashing me his pearly whites.

"Nice to meet you, Mariah." His smooth yet deep voice spoke.

Oh. My. God.

— • — • — • — • — • — • —

here's a helpful tip of the day:

never play a sport.

I got hit in the nose with the ball at softball practice. 😂 so yeah.

that it is all.

oh and Mariah is top left, Bri is top right, Omar is bottom left, and Tyrell is bottom right.

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