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"you're into everything I'm in too..."


So today is the day where I'm am going to Bryson's house.


I have to keep reminding myself this is really for Micah but honestly I'm nervous as hell and I don't even know why.

Why did I agree to this shit?

I went into Micah's room to see him playing a Superman game on his Xbox.

He has so many games, it's crazy.

Before I could even get in the room good, he paused the game and smiled.

"We leaving yet?" He asked.

I sighed and sat on his bed, "Micah... do you really wanna go?"

"Yes." He nodded.

I paused. "Like really really want to?"

"Yes." He repeated.

I sighed while staring at him as he stared back.

I tried to be intimidating but he wasn't budging.

Yep, he's definitely my son.
He's just as stubborn as I am.

I sighed defeatingly and stood up, "Alright let mommy go get ready then." I smiled.

He cheesed, "Okay."

I really can't even deny that face... mostly because he's Messiah's twin and he's just so cute.

I went back into my room to find something decent to wear.

"Alright Mariah... what to wear." I mumbled to myself. I looked through my closet to find the perfect attire.

Which was a black v-neck, black ripped jeans, and my high top burgundy Vans.

Guess I'll be Plain Jane today.

As I was taking a quick shower I heard little knocks on my bathroom door.

"Mommy hurry up!" I heard Micah yell.

I laughed to myself. This boy...

"Alright Micah I'm coming! Sheesh." I yelled back.

I cut off the shower and moisturized myself before putting on my outfit.

I put on light, natural makeup and left my hair just as it was randomly parting it.

I went to Micah's room and smiled at his outfit.

A Superman shirt, acid washed jeans, and his hightop Air Force Ones.

"Mommy, you look pretty." He smiled.

Well, he just made my day.

"Thank you handsome. You ready to go?" I beamed.

He nodded and took hold of my hand.

As we entered the elevator, the nervousness suddenly vanished from my body.

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