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So I haven't spoken to Bryson in two whole days.

Yeah he's been calling, I just haven't answered.

I'm not mad at him, I just... I don't know how to feel.

But now I realize I'm being childish and how much I miss him so next time he calls I'll answer.

He is innocent until proven guilty and he hasn't shown me any reason to not trust him so I'm really stressing for nothing.

Look at you letting irrelevant ass bitches get to you, get yourself together Mariah.

Micah is spending the night over Bri's place today with Cameron and tomorrow they're spending the night here before Cameron goes back home.

So after work I picked up Micah from Bri's to take him to basketball practice.

They got another game Friday, and me and Omar are ready.

After I dropped Micah off at practice, I laid in my bed, thinking, contemplating.

I really do love Bryson like, this shit is real fam...

While laying there my phone buzzed and I ignored it at first.

But then it began to rapidly light up so I grabbed it to see what the commotion is.

I went on Instagram and saw that Bryson tagged me in a photo of me.

"@brysontiller: when you're on tour a thousand miles away from your girl and she's not talking to you and you don't why but you miss her a lot  so you really about to say fuck everything and go home and fuck the shit out of her

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"@brysontiller: when you're on tour a thousand miles away from your girl and she's not talking to you and you don't why but you miss her a lot so you really about to say fuck everything and go home and fuck the shit out of her."

My mouth completely fell open as I gasped, not believing he said that on IG.

I read some the comments and laughed especially at Bri.

"@prettylikeBri: 😳 well damn Bryson, just let the world know."

I blushed and shook my head.

He is so embarrassing!

Deciding not to comment on it, I just liked it. I'm not even going to tell him to delete it because I already know he's not going to cause he don't listen.

Of course people came to my page calling me a hoe and stuff like that even though they seen Bryson call me his girl on his page...

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