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this chapter is dedicated to nani_long since she's been getting on my nerves about it... Lord Jesus lol. Ya ass better be happy now.
And for everyone that said that this is your favorite book, thank you! y'all are the sweetest.  😩😘


The whole day Maya, Bri, Camille and Karmen had me completely occupied.

We got our nails done, they got their hair done cause I just wanted to leave mine the way it was so I just got it washed and moisturized to make it even curlier, we went shopping and they all forced me to buy this tight grey dress but it was sexy though.

And all of them were just so happy...
It seemed like they were hiding something.

Right now we were having lunch at Olive Garden and I eyed them all suspiciously.

Camille noticed me and laughed, "Mariah, why are you looking at us like that?"

"Y'all hiding something... I know y'all are." I said with squinted eyes.

Bri laughed and waved me off, "Girl, hush. Ain't nobody hiding nothing."

But after she said that she got a text on her phone and her eyes widened.

"I gotta go guys, it's emergency." She said getting up and hugging me, "Bye birthday girl, I'll see you later."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "When?"

"Later. I'm coming over. Bye." She said quickly before leaving.


When we finished our lunch we then parted our separate ways, well except Maya & Micah since ya know... they're coming with me.

"Now what are we going to do?" I asked once we entered my apartment.

"You mean what are you going to do? It's your birthday." Maya laughed.

I sighed, "I know but everyone's busy. Even Bryson." I pouted.

"Bryson, huh? He seems like a nice guy." She smiled.

"Oh, he is Maya. He's truly amazing, I wish you could've met him."

"So do you guys... date?"

I shook my head, "No, we're just best friends."

She nodded slowly, "But do you like him though?"

I shook my head, "No... well at least I think I don't." I said mumbling the last part.

She sighed, "Mariah, it's okay if you do. Just like it's okay to move on. I know the reason you don't want to like him is because you'll feel like you're betraying Messiah. But you can't help how you feel darling, you deserve to be happy. He would want you to be."


"No buts, Mariah. I'm serious." She said sternly.

I sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just scared... but I guess I have a lot of thinking to do."

She nodded, "Yes you do but it's okay, when you do talk to him let him know that I'm a big fan of his music."

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