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"Uh Bri... what the hell was that?" I asked when I was getting Micah settled in his booster seat.

"What was what?" She looked at me, obviously trying to avoid the subject at hand.

I glared at her and she nodded, tucking in her lips.

"Ah Bryson..." She said blowing out air. "Well that was Lena, Harley's mother and honestly they always argue like that but this time it did seem pretty intense." She said making me nod slowly.

"But I know Bryson, he's not going to take Harley from her mom. He has a really big heart, just a low tolerance for bullshit and only says shit out of anger." She added.

We sat in silence in our thoughts for a minute until she cranked up her car.

"Anyways you ready?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"You ready Micah?" She asked looking in her mirror.

But all we got was silence.

I turned around in my seat to see him focused on his tablet. Probably playing a game.

I shook my head and looked back at Bri, "Yeah, he's ready."

Bri laughed before saying,
"Okay let's ride."

The whole day me and Bri were in downtown LA exploring.

She showed me the beaches, parks, we went to the mall and even shopped a little.

I decided to buy Micah two more jackets and a pair of shoes and two sundresses for myself.

But my favorite place that we went to today was In N' Out Burger.

Oh. My. God.
Best place ever.

It might even take the place of Chic-Fil-A in my heart.

Today me and Bri took so many pictures and videos, I really had a good time. Bri even got a few numbers but I on the other hand was interested.

I just wanted to enjoy the time out with my son and my friend.

Me and Micah didn't get back till around six since Brianna had to run some important errands.

"I'm so exhausted." I sighed when we entered the lobby.

"I'm not!" Micah exclaimed.

I laughed, "Yeah because you slept in the car."

"Nuh uh, I-Harley!" Micah yelled releasing my hand and running to the little girl.

"Micah!" The girl who I assume is Harley yelled back.

The exchanged in a big hug and instantly starting talking bout whatever little kids talked about. I giggled at the sight of it.
It was so freakin cute.

Once they noticed that I was standing there Harley looked up at me with a wide toothless smile.

"Hi, I Harley!"

I smiled back and leaned down to her level.

"Hi Harley, I'm Mariah. You're so pretty." I said grabbing one of her curls.

She returned the gesture and grabbed one of mine, "You're pwetty too."

"Yeah, she is." Said a deep male voice, making me jump slightly.

I totally forgot that Bryson was standing there and that he was Harley's father.

I stood up and looked at him, "You're daughter is beautiful."

He smiled, "Thanks, she got it from me." He said making me genuinely laugh.

"Oh whatever Bryson." I giggled.

"Your son?" He asked sending a small smile at Micah.

I looked down and before I could say anything Micah butted in, "No! I'm Superman!"

My mouth dropped and Bryson laughed.

"So Superman don't have a mommy?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No."

I nodded, "Alright well Superman can go and live somewhere else then." I said starting to walk away until Micah grabbed my legs.

"No mommy! I'm sorry!" He begged.

"That's what I thought." I smiled.

Bryson laughed and bent to down to his level, "Ya know I really don't condone Harley hanging out with boys... but since your Superman I guess I can let it slide." He said holding out his fist and Micah smiled bumping it with his.

I giggled.

Bryson's not so bad.

He stood back up grunting as he did making me snicker.

"Had a long day?" I asked.

He shook his head, "You don't even know the half of it." He said as we both laughed.

"Well we gotta go but we should have a play date soon?" He asked with a glint of hope in his voice.

I nodded, "We should."

He smiled, "How about tomorrow?" He asked quickly making me pause before answering.

I thought about it for a minute.
Do I really want to? I mean I'm not doing anything important and... aw why not?

"Uh.. sure. My place or yours?"

He looked shook but quickly shook it off as he cleared his throat.

"Mine, I live on the floor right above you. Suite 1. Just come whenever." He shrugged.

I nodded slowly, "Okay well I'll see you tomorrow Bryson and bye gorgeous." I smiled, waving down at Harley.

"Bye Riah! Bye Micah!" She waved back.

"Bye Harley and Bryson!"

After that we went up to our apartment and I was forced to play games with Micah to tire his lil ass out.

As tired as I was I didn't mind.

Whatever to make Micah happy.


the long anticipated chapter!

sorry for the wait!

don't forget to vote, comment, & share.

—xo peejay 💖

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