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I can't believe I got over a hundred views already. thanks guys.

"guess it's true exes change, yeah..."


The next day when I woke up, me and Micah laid in my bed for like an hour.
Last night he slept with me because he wanted to. So now we were taking turns playing this car racing game on his tablet.

"You hungry?" I asked while he was playing, though I don't think he heard me because he was entirely too focused.

I nudged the side of his face, "Aye bighead."

"Yeaaa mommy?" He groaned.

I laughed, "You better quit getting an  attitude with me boy. I said are you hungry?"

He nodded, still focused.

"You want hashbrowns?"

He smiled, "Yeah."

I laughed, "Okay."

I jumped out of bed and headed downstairs.

After I put the hashbrowns in the oven and as I putting bacon on the skillet my phone rang.

I answered without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?"

"You up?" Brianna asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Nah, I'm sleep talking."

She laughed, "Shit, well I'll call back later then."

I laughed and shook my head, "Yeah, I'm up. Wassup?"

"I wanted to wake you up to tell you to get ready but now that you're already up whatcha doing?"

"I'm making hashbrowns, eggs and bacon for me and Micah."

She laughed, "Oh my god Mariah, you're always cooking."

I shrugged, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"True, but you don't believe in cereal?"

"I do, but it's so sugary." I pouted.

"Awww mommy-mode." She cooed.

I laughed, "Shut up, when we leaving?"

"I guess when y'all finished eating, and get dressed and stuff."

"Alright, you want to come up and get some?"

She laughed, "No mom I'm good, I already had cereal."

I laughed too, "Not healthy but okay I'll call you when I'm ready."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." I said as she hung up.

As I finished the eggs I called Micah downstairs. Surprisingly he didn't come down with the tablet.

When he sat at the table he yawned loudly.

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