Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is only the second book I've ever written so, I'm sorry if it sucks.


Max's P.o.V

"Come on, let's go get a snack" said my best friend Brody.

Currently me and Brody were sitting on his bedroom floor, playing video games, while his parents were out.

"Okay, come on" I siad standing up then stretching out my hand, to help him up.

"RACE YOU" Brody yelled already running out the door.

As he started down the stairs, I was hot on his tail, right behind him. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we entered the living room, as we ran through the living room, Brody suddenly stopped causing me to ram into his back and fall backwards.

"Ahhhhhh" I squealed, very manly, squeezing my eyes shut as I waited to hit the ground. When I finally realized that I hadn't hit the floor yet, but had arms tightly wrapped around my waist keeping me up. I stopped my MANLY squealing and slowly opened my eyes to see another pair of eyes staring directly into mine, amusement lingered in the pair of eyes. Suddenly realization hit that, they were no other than Braden's eyes. Braden was Brody's hot older brother.

"Thank you" Braden said, bringing me back to reality.

"Huh" I siad puzzled, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did", piped in Brody from behind us.

I suddenly felt my face grow 10 times hotter.

" Di-did, I say hot, I-I me-meant s-snot...yeah snot older brother...YOU NEED TO GET YOUR EARS CHECKED!!! I yelled while ripping his arms away and making a dash towards the kitchen.

I opened the fridge, and bent over with my butt up in the air. I heard the brothers laughs getting closer and closer untill they were both in the kitchen. Suddenly somebody smacked my butt.

"Ahhhhh" I let out yet another very manly yell. I twirled around to see Brody trying to hold in his laughter and Braden smirking and whistling looking anywhere but at me.

"You perv" I said, before they both burst out laughing at me. Fine whatever be jerks.

"Hmph" I siad moodily, turning around to head out of the kitchen when a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist turning me around and sending me colliding against a very hard and firm chest making us fall on the ground, hmm must be Braden, with that thought I felt my face grow hot.

"How ya doin" Braden asked as a smirk tugged at his lips, my face instantly grew hotter than it was seconds ago. "Awwww, he's blushing" Braden cooed.

I stood up " hmph, you guys are meanies, I'm going to bed" I yelled over my shoulder as I left the kitchen.

"It's 5:30 at night dude." Brody yelled back.

"I don't care". I siad even louder as I stomped my way up the stairs and into brodys room. I flopped down on his bed making sure I was taking up the entire bed so he had to sleep on the ground.

Brody's P.o.v

When Max had came out to me, I was 100% fine with it, he siad he had always known, but not because he liked someone, which is a complete lie, because I know that he has a thing for Braden. Even though he keeps denying it.

" Why do you always tease, Maxie" I asked Braden, I mean he acts like its his mission to make poor Maxie all flustered and blush crazily.

"It's funny, seeing him blush so bad he looks like a tomato, plus its kinda cute. He siad, mumbling the last bit, expecting me not to hear it.

"Hey why does he always get flustered and blush when I'm around anyways?" He asked, lifting his gaze to meet mine.

"I don't know" I siad, lying easily.

"Oh okay, whatever" he siad, standing up and heading upstairs to his room.

I decided to grab myself a sandwich before heading up stairs to my room, where I found max passed out, and spread out on my bed making it so there was no room for me.

"Jerk" I mumbled while grabbing a pillow and blanket and lying down on the floor, well its 6:00 so why not catch up in sleep, with that thought I soon fell asleep.


Well that's the first update, ily guys vote/comment pls, and tell me what y'all think. Byeeeeee!

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