Chapter 33

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Hey guys here's an update!!!


Max's P.o.V

It was the day after our little game of truth or dare, and we were all huddled at out lunch table.

"So what happened to you guys after we left?" Braden asked, his eyebrow raised.

Chase blushed, and Ryan smirked.

"Nothing happened, chase was asleep when I went upstairs" Ryan informed, leaving us confused, why was chase blushing then?

"Okay...?" I siad looking at Braden.

"You, know what we should all do?" Jessie asked. Jessie had become the newest member to our little group. We just stared, giving him the look, to continue.

"We should go on a group date, Max and Braden, Brody and Jordan me and Mary, and chase and Ryan." He siad, mumbling more off towards the end.

"WHAT!?" Both boys siad at the same time.

"We arnt dating, and Ryan isn't my type" chase sassed back.

"Hey! I'm everyone's type, male and female, and did you forget I'm not gay!?!" He freaked.

"Just a " pretend" date" he siad putting air quotes around "pretend".

"Whatever Jessie, I'll think about it" Ryan said.

*few hours later*

We were all sitting at this fancy restaurant, Me, Braden, Brody, Jordan, Jessie, Mary, Chase, and Ryan. We finally got Chase and Ryan to agree to come with us.

"Hi, im Stacy, I'll be your waitress tonight, what can I get you?" She asked, sending a flirty like wink towards chase. Uh oh. Chase decided to ignore it.

We had all almost finished ordering, chase was the last one to order.

"What can I get you babe" the waitress asked, running her hands down his chest...

"Umm, can you not!" Ryan said, sassily.

"Why can't I touch him, you guys arnt together." The waitress mocked.

"Well, I'm gay so back the fuck off, and go moisturize your damn shrimp fingers!" Chase snapped.

"Excuse me, but I don't think some fa-" she was cut off by a slap. We all gasped.

"DONT YOU EVER CALL ME A FAG, YOU REJECTED LOOKING TELLATUBBIE!!! AND IM GAY SO I CAN SLAP YOU, BITCH!!!" Chase yelled. By now we had the whole restaurants attention. Chase just stood up and stormed out of there, followed by Ryan. We all soon rushed out of the restaurant, out into the cold fall air.

"Ughhh, I'm sorry guys" chase siad, sending us an apologetic smile.

"No its fine, saying that F-word to you also insults all the guys to" Jessie said.

"She's lucky I'm short, and I couldn't jump over the damn table, to pull her mother fucking weave out!" Mary said, venom laced in her voice. We all stare at her in shock.

"What... I mean, Jessie is really special to me so his friends are my friends, and plus I have a gay cousin, who is one of my best friends" she explained, Jessie kissed her cheek, as a light pink color cascaded her cheeks.

"Well, Mary we all welcome you into the gay group!" I yelled enthusiasm dripping in my voice.

"Ahem" Jessie and Ryan both siad.

"Oh and the 100% straight boyfriend of yours and the, 100% confused Ryan are here too!!!" I teased, cheering.

"GROUP HUG!" I yelled, pulling Braden and Mary into a hug while the others join in.

"Okay, who wants to go watch movies at my house, and eat ice cream and be lazy all weekend!!" Mary asked/cheered, everyone else cheered along agreeing to this lazy weekend. One thing that was amazing about Mary was that, she was really pretty but she didn't know it, so she wasn't flaunting around her looks, but she also wasn't ever saying she's ugly, she just went with the flow and didn't let anybody's judgement affect her life style. She also wasn't afraid to be "one of the guys" and play video games with us and just be lazy and look bad with her boyfriend, she didn't try to look nice all the time, it was all natural beauty.

We soon all made it to Mary's, and had a crazy, fun, loving, and lazy weekend, yet I wouldn't change it for anything.


Well there y'all go, I'll update soon I promise.

Bye babes✌✌✌

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