Chapter 23

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Well...I'm sorry


Jordan's P.o.V

I was sweating, I couldn't breath, the thick smoke was making it impossible to see. We needed to get out of here.

"Brody!!" I yelled out, inhaling the smoke sent me into a fit of coughing. I ran down the hall, in search of Brody, when I first woke up I realized he wasn't cuddling in bed with me.

While I went farther down the hall, I ran into someone, sending me flying back words.

"Are you okay" I asked, holding my hand out to who ever I collided with.

"Yeah, I'm fine bro" I realized that, it was Braden.

"Dude do you know were Brody is?" I asked staring to get worried.

I thought he was with yo-wait where's Max?!" He yelled, a sudden crack, startled me and Braden, the house was starting to cave in.

"WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" Yelled, a firefighter that I didn't even realize was here.


"Your parents are outside, and were still looking for the other boys" the man yelled over the roaring flames.

"IM NOT LEAVING UNTILL I FIND BRODY" I yelled, running down the stairs. I ran into the kitchen, and saw that this is were most of the damage is, so this is probly were the fire started. There were cabinets everywhere. All black and burnt, laying on the ground. What mostly caught my attention was the caved in part of the roof, that had burnt parts of the cabinets everywhere.

I got closer to the mess and saw a hand sticking out from there. I started moving the larger parts of the blackened wood. When I moved enough to pull the person out, I found a barley breathing Max. I lifted Max over my shoulder and ran to the living room, were I broke they bay window, before hauling Max's limp body outside, to Mrs and Mr Webb, and Braden.


I placed Max down on the ground infront of Braden. Before I ran back into the burning house to find my true love. I saw the paramedics, out of the corner of my eye, working on Max, and looking over the rest of the family.

"WAIT, YOU CANT GO BACK IN THERE!!" A firefighter yelled, holding me back.

"I NEED TO GET HIM, HES MY EVERYTHING" I Wailed, pushing the beefy man away and running in.

I ran upstairs, to the bathroom, the only room I didn't check. I went to pull the door open but saw, a giant piece of wood, blocking the door from opening.

"BRODY!?" I yelled, I heard him faintly yell back, thru the bathroom door.

I started moving the wood, trying to push it, pull it, just move it, but it wasn't budging. After a few more pulls and pushes I gave up and decided to use, the spare hammer that was kept in the hallway closet, to knock down the wall. I started hitting the wall leaving holes, it took about 30 hits before i made a big enough hole for me to fit thru.

I found Brody, in the same condition as Max, unconscious and just barley breathing. I started to get really light headed, as I worked on trying to get Brody out, soon I saw a firefighter standing by the hole, so I passes Brody thru it. As I was about to crawl thru, I beam snapped and fell onto of me. I was stuck under the beam, hardly breathing.


Brody's P.o.V

I heard everything, every last word Jordan yelled before, I blacked out.

I see the light...nah just kidding I'm in the hospital and woke up only a few minutes ago, why I'm in the hospital tho is beyond me. I buzzed the buzzy thingy, and a nurse came rushing in.

"Your awake... HES AWAKE!!!" The nurse yelled before, my parents and Braden came rushing in.

"MY BABY!!!!" My mom yelled, before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I heard her crying onto my shoulder.

"Wh-what happened" I asked, cautiously, I didn't want to have my mom crying anymore, but I needed to know.

"Uh- the house was on fire, a-and when me and your dad got out, we though you boys did t-to, b-but you weren't, fin-finally Braden came out, s-soon jord-jordan came out to-too with m-max, over his shoulder, he was unconscious..." My mom started, she paused and took a breath. "Yo-you, were still i-in there, an-and, j-jordan woul-wouldnt listen, he went b-back in to s-save you, once he g-got you out, he got trapped, and passed out, he-hes in a coma, they don't know for how long, or if he'll wake up...he was cru-crushed by a beam, he has a lot of head da-damage" as the words left my moms mouth, I rember my lovers words before I passed out.

"He told me he loved me, he siad not to worry about him, but to get m-me o-..." I couldn't finish my sentence, i let my sobs cut me off, I cried for hours that night, my moms words replaying in my head.

"Or If he'll wake up..."

I wouldn't be able to live with out him, I couldn't, I worked so hard for him and I'm not ready to let him go, I won't ever be ready to let him go.

*3 months later*

It's been three months since the fire, which was caused by the heater blowing up. I've visited Jordan every single day, and prayed morning day and night that he wakes up soon. The sound of a small knock on Jordan's door interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey...honey we need to talk...." My mom, siad quietly, she looked depressed and worried.

"Honey, I know you've been losing weight and haven't slept much these past few months...and I know this is hard on you...but his mom can't support him for much longer...there going to p-pull the pl-plug tomorrow if he hasn't woken up yet..." My mother trailed off.

I started at my mom shocked, numb, empty. How could they just "pull the plug". This is the love of my life, I cried for hours that night, huddled up tighly next to Jordan's rather pale, Ill looking body. I won't survive with out him, please wake up please...

---------------------------------------------------------- not gonna lie... I cried writing this...and I dont EVER cry...

I'm sorry...

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