Chapter 38

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Okay this is a long chapter guys...there's a P.o.V from every character, well that are important anyways.

Love y'all enjoy✌✌

Braden's P.o.V

It's finally Graduation Day, and I'm so happy. After today, I'll be done with high school, and moving to college with my boyfriend, and brother, and best friend.

I stood in my room, with my graduation robe thingy on, since the beginning of highschool all I had ever wanted was to graduate and get out of town, and now that that time has come, its feels like a dream, I never wanna wake up from.

Today was the last day I will ever step foot into, highschool and that is like a dream come true, I feel like I've accomplished something, which I have, but it's just so surreal. Leaving all my peers and heading off into the world. I've always been afraid of my future, afraid I wouldn't go to college, afraid I wouldn't find love, afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it in this cruel world on my own, and its nerve racking, to imagine that after this summer I will be away, from home for so long, but just knowing that I'll have Max and Brody and Jordan by my side is what makes me, excited for my future to.

"Hey baby, its time to go" my mom said standing in the doorway, tears threatened to spill.

"I know mom, I know" I said pulling her into a tight, and warm embrace, things like this are what, make me sad about my future. No more mama hugs for a while.

"Come on mom, we don't wanna be late" and just like that, we walked out the door, outta the house, and into my future.

Max's P.o.V

College...that simple word, can make anybody panic. While I sit here, in my robe thing, thinking about my life so far, all the good things and bad, I've realized, college isn't as scary as it should seem, today being the day Ill graduate, it seems more...comforting. Knowing I'll have somewhere to go after highschool, is comforting enough. But with Braden, Brody and Jordan by my side, I know I'll be able to survive anything that happens in college. I know college, is supposed to be the time, were you live it up, and be the best party animal you can be, experience things you never thought you could ever do, make stories that you can rember when your in you elder years, but I also know you have to be responsible, and have to be able to handle your actions consequences.

It may seem like the scariest, thing to do, going to college and all, but as it gets closer, and the more I learn about life the more I feel like I can make it through college.

"Honey, come on its time to watch our baby graduate" I heard my papa, say to my dad.

I also understand that, going to college will most likely move you away from your family, expecially if you move out of state, but that helps you in the future, even though it may not seem like it at the time.

"Come on buddy, let's go" I walked out of my room, out of my house, and to my future.

Brody's P.o.V

Omg omg omg....I can't do this, I can't do this at all....I'm gonna die up there...omg I can't. Ughhh, why do I have to stand up in front of all those people and grab my diploma (omfg it changed it to dick, and I just caught right before I was about to update), along with a speech. That's right I'm valedictorian. For some god forsaken reason they choose me to be valedictorian.

I hope I don't die up there and completly embarrass myself...omg.
"Brody honey, come on its time to go"

Here goes nothing.

Jordan's P.o.V

Have you ever felt so happy but so nervous at the same time. Yeah well, I'm currently pacing about my room, contemplating about my life. Ughh, why is this so nerve racking, why can't I be happy and excited that I get to spend the next four years with the love of my life along with my two best friends.

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