Chapter 27

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Okay guys, here you go, imma work on another chapter but I'm not, making any promises that it'll be uploaded tonight, I have school tomorrow and its already passed ten here, so I'll work on it but it won't be uploaded most likely.

Braden's P.o.V

It was Monday.

Today the school is forcing me, Jordan, Max, and Brody to go back to school. But I'm really excited to see all my jock friends.

I was in the middle of doing my hair when Max came into my room, groaning about how early it is.

"Whyyy, I don't wanna go" he whined face planting onto my bed. I walked over to my bed and sat on his back.

"Don't you want to see your friends" I siad.

"Well yeah...." He siad trailing off.

"Then, get up" I siad jumping off him and running down stairs. Soon enough me, Max, Jordan, and Brody were all in my car on our way to school.

Soon were pulling into the school parking lot, as we arrive giant groups of students gather around.

We park and get out, as we step out were greeted by "Welcome back" and "aww's". Soon we push our way thru the crowded lot, and into the school. We all go to our own lockers, and agreed to meet up in 1st period. When I near my locker I see one of my best friends from the basketball team.

"Hey, Ryan, I haven't seen you in a while." I siad fist pumping him.

"Hey, and I know, ever since you and lovvvverrrr boyyyy got together we haven't hung out in a while" he siad making kissy faces at me.

"Aww, your just jealous because you can't have me" I siad smirking.

"I'm not gay, remember" he siad laughing.

"Mmhmmm" I siad, I know Ryan's straight, but he has moments were he would literally be put under the, typical gay category.

"O-M-G DID YOU DOWNLOAD THE NEW JUSTIN BIEBER ALBUM ON ITUNES YET!!!" He basically squealed, like I siad he can have gay moments. I just shake my head and laugh.

"Hey, whats so funny"

I turned around and wrapped my arms around Max's waist and kissed his cheek.

"Ohhh, its lover boy" Ryan cooed.

"Ryan, Max, Max Ryan" I siad introducing them.

"Aww, he's to adorable" Ryan siad pinching Max's baby cheeks. He then leaned forward and softly kissed Max's cheek, Max practically lit up like a Christmas tree. Me and Ryan just laughed at him.

"Don't worry, Ryan's " straight" " I siad putting air quotes around straight.

"Hey what's that suppose to mean, you know I'm straight" he siad pouting.


"Remember that?" I asked smirking. He just pouted and mumbled something about me being a "meanie" as the Bell for 1st period rang.

"Hey, I'll see ya later, sit with us at lunch" I yelled over my shoulder as me and Max made our way to our 1st period.

"Yeah, whatever" he siad back heading off the other direction.

"He's gay" Max siad as we walked the halls together.

"I don't know, I mean he's had alot of girlfriends and has never siad anything about another guy like that, so I don't think he is" I siad as we entered the room.

"How much you wanna bet, that he's gay and will have a boyfriend at the end of the year." He asked holding his had out.

"$50, and I know he isn't gay" I siad shaking his hand. Just as the teacher walked in ready to teach history, looks like I'm taking a nap.

*skip to lunch*

Me, Brody Jordan, and Max all sat at the lunch table messing around. We were throwing food at each other. I picked up a carrot and chucked it at Max, since he sat across from me, so why not. It hit him in the head.

He quickly picked it up and dipped it into ranch before chucking it back at me, lucky for me tho, I ducked and it flew over my head.


We all turned around and saw a very mad looking Ryan standing there with ranch on his shirt. Don't get me wrong, Ryan is one of the sweetest guys you'll meet, but he's also really intimidating when hes mad.

"Who...threw that" he asked trying to stay calm.

"Ha-ha, umm" Max siad looking down and running his neck nervously.

"Max...I'm going to kill you" he siad thru gritted teeth. Max just looked up and gave him the "sad puppy dog" eyes.

"Yo-you wouldn't really hurt me would you" Max asked, using his puppy eyes power.

"Fuck...dammit why are you so god damn adorable!" Ryan siad, plopping down next to me pouting.

"Hey, bro I haven't seen you in forever" Jordan siad to Ryan, soon they were deep in conversation. That was untill the cafeteria doors swung open getting everyone's attention. In the doorway stood a shy looking boy, with dark hair who couldn't be taller than 5'6.

I got up and made my way towards the fragile looking boy.

"Hey" I siad standing infront of him.
"H-h-hey" he stutters out.

"Let me guess, your new here?" I ask smirking. He looks like he's about to shit his pants, as he nods slowly.

"Come on, follow me" I say turning around before he answers and walk towards our table, I hear his soft footsteps as I go.

"Wait, what do you think of gays" I ask stopping and turning around.

"Uh, um I'm okay w-with i-it" he stutters.

"Okay" I say continuing toward the table.

"Hey guys, this is our new bestfriend, uh...uhh...?" I trail off looking at the green eyed boy.

"Chase" he mumbled looking down.
"This is chase, chase this is Jordan, my bestfriend, Brody my brother, Ryan my other bestfriend and Max, my boyfriend" I siad, pointing to everyone at the table, chase looked shocked.

"You-your gay?" He asked

"Yep, oh and Brody is also Jordan's boyfriend" I siad taking my set next to Ryan again. I looked over at Chase, as I siad that, and saw him stating at Ryan, and Ryan staring at him...oh god, I might lose this bet. I looked over at Max who just smirked at me. Well I know that Ryan's not gay and well chase knows were gay, so if he was gay then he would of siad something, I just smirked back. Let the bet begin.


Okay I didn't like it as much as the first but it'll do I guess.

Okay s you meet Ryan and chase, Will they be the next couple? But there not gay. So what do you think happens?


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