Chapter 8

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It had been about two months since I had met Miss Lovato, and now we were currently sitting here at lunch with her trying to feed me 'Lyric, please eat it' I shook my head knowing that if I talked I would cry, Demi sighed 'please sweetheart, if you don't I'm going to have to force feed you' I slowly picked up the fork and stabbed the food. After taking a few bites I burst into tears, miss Lovato rubbed her hand up and down my back 'it's okay, I know it's hard, just a couple more bites please?' I kind of felt weird doing this with my teacher you know? But Demi doesn't feel like my teacher, she's like my only friend 'it hurts Demi, it hurts' she sighed 'I know baby' I threw my arms around her neck and sobbed into her shoulder 'Lyr, baby, I have a feeling that's not what's bothering you?' She was right, I was in pain from last night, when Kale, and Jake played big girl games with me, I don't really understand big girl games but I know they hurt a lot  'c-can I trust you with a big secret?' She nodded worriedly 't-they h-hurt m-me D-Demi' her eyes widened 'who? Who hurt you Lyr?' I started to sob harder into her shoulder 'K-Kale and J-Jake' she hugged me tighter 'what did they do?' I shook my head and continued to sob into her shoulder 'Lyr, please tell me so I can help you' I took a deep breath 't-they played b-big girl games, I don't like big girl games Demi, they hurt me, down there, please help me Demi, it hurts'   Tears started to stream down Demi's face 'I'm sorry Demi, I shouldn't have told you' she held onto me tightly 'I'm not crying because you told me baby, I'm crying because those bastards hurt my babygirl' I clung onto Demi 'p-please don't l-leave me Demi, your the only person I have' I wiped her tears away 'baby, I won't ever leave you, ever' she lifted me off of her and took my hand 'what are you doing Demi?' She smiled down at me 'we're going to deal with something, I'm going to make sure that I can be with you forever' I looked up at her with big eyes 'y-you're n-not going to k-kill me right?' She chuckled 'of course not, why would I kill something I love?' Love? She loves me 'you l-love me?' She nodded 'more than anything baby, do you not love me?' I shook my head 'I love you so much, I don't want to lose you' she smiled 'good then, let's get to the orphanage' I nodded sadly 'keep your head up princess, your tiara is falling, I have a surprise'

We arrived at the orphanage and Demi grabbed my hand, keeping me close to her. As we walked into the front office I saw Laura one of the workers behind the desk, she doesn't like me that much 'ah brat what are you doing back from school so early, going to have to punish you am I, you better prepare yourself it's going to hurt' I whimpered and hid behind Demi 'what right do you have to talk to her like that, look at her she's terrified of you, and you won't be punishing her because she's coming home with me' I squealed 'really?' She nodded and chuckled 'how would you feel if I adopted you Lyr? I already love you like your mine, and if you say no my heart might break' I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek 'I'm guessing that's a yes' I nodded my head eagerly 'go pack cutie, I gotta sign these papers' I bounced up the stairs and quickly threw everything in my little backpack, not forgetting my most valuable things, my Dallas Cowboys Jumper and my blades, as well as the Dallas Cowboys blanket that I've had since I was one, I ran downstairs tripping down the last few 'fuck!' Demi ran over 'are you okay baby?' I nodded 'be more careful baby, now let's go' I smiled 'like right now? You can take me?' She nodded and smiled big 'yep, all the papers are signed baby, your officially mine' I threw my arms around her 'I love you Demi' she kissed my forehead 'I love you to baby' she picked me up and carried me to the car 'we've gotta make one stop baby, before we go home' I nodded not bothering to ask where.

We pulled up at the doctors, and I immediately tensed up 'I know you don't want to baby, but we have to' I sighed knowing she was right and got out of the car.

The doctors said some things to Demi in big doctor language that I don't understand and gave her some cream, it fucking hurt and I almost kicked the doctor oops? We just pulled up at Demi house 'let's go inside beautiful' Demi said offering her hand 'I'm far from beautiful' I mumbled hoping Demi wouldn't hear, she stopped in her tracks and turned around pulling me into a tight hug 'you are so beautiful baby, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes' I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to win this battle, she picked me up and carried me into the house. We laid on the couch cuddling for a while when the doorbell rang 'fuck! I forgot about Marissa, baby are you okay with meeting my friend' I nodded my head although I was petrified, Demi left the couch to open the door 'MAR!' I heard Demi scream, making me more nervous 'DEM!' I heard the other girl scream, after a few minutes they came back to the couch 'Dem, why the fuck do you have an eight year old on your couch?' Demi chuckled whilst I hid behind her shaking 'she's actually Eleven, this is my student and new daughter Lyric' Marissa looked at me 'you're joking right, she's too skinny to be eleven and she so little, wait daughter? You adopted her?' Demi nodded 'not joking she's eleven, and yes she mine now' Marissa squealed with excitement? 'Demi I'm scared' I whimpered into her tshirt 'babygirl don't be scared, Marissa won't hurt you, I'm pretty sure she wants to do the opposite and hug you' I removed my head to see a smiling bouncing over excited Marrisa 'Dem, you promise she won't hurt me?' She nodded 'I promise babygirl' I hesitantly let go of Demi and walked over to Marissa, she bent down to my level and hugged me, then she shot a worried glance to Demi who simply nodded, making Marissa eyes turn sad and make her hug me tighter, making me super confused about what had happened.

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