Chapter 27

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'Hello Demi, Dallas' my therapist shook Dallas' hand and motioned for us to sit down

'Hi Sarah' I said as I sat down

'Okay, so what brought you in today Demi, we didn't have an appointment scheduled until next week' I looked away from both Sarah and Dallas 

'Demi?' Sarah questioned

'Dem, baby, come on' Dallas whispered in my ear putting her hand on my back

'no Dally, please' I threw my arms around her and clung onto her

'Demi, have you recently lost someone in your life? Like had someone pass or be taken away from you?' I ignored Sarah and buried my face in Dallas's neck 

'baby, answer Sarah's question' I shook my head 

'Her daughter' Dallas paused

'Is that of any significance?' Dallas asked

'Yes actually, Demi's behavior right now can be explained by that. She seems very clingy to you Dallas, especially since she is uncomfortable right now, I believe that losing her child has probably caused this.'

'I see that isn't the issue though, Demi are you ready to tell me why you're here?' 

'no, leave me alone' 

'Demi' Dallas warned  

'Dally don't make me' I begged

'Demi had a blade in her bathroom, she's had it for over a year and it's hers' I cringed whilst hearing Dallas say it so bluntly

'Okay, Demi this is serious and we need to talk about it so can you please sit up properly and remove your head from Dallas' neck'


'We'll have to get Dallas to leave then'  I grabbed onto Dallas tighter


'Well will you sit up and talk to us?'


'Demi, you've been doing so well with communication ever since TK, what's going on?' Sarah asked 

'I don't want to talk about it, I just want to go to the hospital'

'for treatment?' Sarah questioned, I shook my head, I don't need treatment

'Her daughter is in the hospital' Dallas said obviously seeing that I was becoming upset

'what for?'

'No!' I yelled before Dallas could say anything

'I will not betray Lyric's trust, and neither will you' I said looking at Dallas sternly, with tears streaming down my face

'Demi what are you feeling right now?' I shook my head

'come on baby, talk to us'

'I want to die!' I screamed, but quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, I hadn't meant for that to come out and I certainly didn't mean it. Dallas's jaw lay open as she stared at me in shock and a tear rolled down her cheek

'Do you mean that Demi?' Sarah asked, whilst Dallas continued to stare at me in shock

'No I swear I didn't mean it' I said as tears continued to stream down my face and I felt myself slip into a state of panic

'Demi, Demi you need to calm down' Sarah said but I was too overtaken with panic to listen to her and I squeezed my eyes shut

My thoughts began to race as I hyperventilated and I could feel Sarah trying to get me to focus on her, but I couldn't think about anything but the panic I felt. 

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