Chapter 29

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I managed to grab the top of her arm as she fell, and I was glad that she only weighed as much as she did. When I grabbed her arm her entire body stopped falling and she hit her head on the side of the bridge, knocking her completely out. I quickly pulled her back over the railing

'Lyric!' I cried as tears began to roll down my cheeks, I laid her on the ground and tried to get her to respond but she was out cold

I couldn't think straight but I knew I needed to call 911, she could have a brain bleed or something. I got out my phone and frantically dialled 911

'911, what's your emergency'

'M-my niece, she tried to j-jump off of a b-bridge, I c-caught her and she hit her h-head, now she's not responding to me' I sobbed, trying to keep as calm as I could but failing completely

'okay ma'am, is she breathing?' I observed and noticed that she wasn't

'no! she doesn't have a pulse either! We are on the bridge on Dawn street, next to the milk bar'

'okay, I need you to keep calm, I have an ambulance on their way to your location right now, I need you to do something for me' I took a deep breathe

'I need you to start CPR, can you do that for me' I nodded, I had been taught CPR in case of an emergency and boy was I glad for that training right now. I began to give Lyric CPR praying that it would be enough to save her life, we couldn't lose her not now, Demi's already a mess and none of our family would be able to help her if she lost her whole world. I heard the sirens come rushing around the corner and the ambulance quickly pulled up, but I wasn't going to stop until they took over

'Unresponsive eight year old female, seems to have been admitted in hospital not too long ago still wearing gown, nasogatric tube placed, CPR being given right now, seemingly huge gash on the side of head, hospital bracelet say Lyric Lovato, and I correct myself she's eleven.' One of the guys said into a walkie talkie like thing on his shoulder. One of the guys came over and took over the CPR, a the other of them worked on moving her onto the stretcher by stabilizing her neck with a brace

'we have a pulse!' one of the guys yelled

'is she going to be okay?' I frantically asked as they put her on the stretcher and placed a bag over her face

'are you related to her?' I nodded

'You can come to the hospital then, do you know which hospital she was at previously?' I shook my head and searched up Demi Lovato, there was a photo from earlier of Demi leaving CHLA in tears, that also wasn't to far from here

'She was at CHLA' they nodded and one of them got in the front whilst the other continued bagging Lyric.

When we arrived at the hospital Lyric was taken away and I was left in the waiting room alone, now I had to call and tell Demi. I noticed that the paparazzi were still outside, which meant Demi was still here. Just then I saw the elevator open and two nurses who looked quite flustered came out

'Ashlynn, what are we going to do? We have to tell Demi'

'Amelia please calm down, she can't have left the hospital, it's nearly impossible'

'excuse me' I said standing up and walking over to the two young nurses

'I'm sorry we can't help you, we have an emergency'

'Lyric Lovato?' I questioned still in tears, their eyes widened and they stopped walking towards the entrance and looked at me

'how do you know her?'

'I'm her aunt, Maddie, she's not missing, well I assume she was before though, she was taken that way' I pointed in the direction of emergency and they both ran off, but the younger one turned to the older one and whispered something then walked in my direction

'what happened?' she questioned, tears brimming her eyes

'she jumped off of the bridge not too far from here, but I caught her, she hit her head when I did though and was knocked completely unconscious, she wasn't breathing and had no pulse, but the paramedics managed to get a pulse back' she nodded and bit her lip

'is Demi still here?' I shrugged

'I think, it's only been like thirty minutes, they were still here about 15 minutes ago' we walked out and after twenty minutes of looking I saw Dallas' car. I lightly tapped the nurse and pointed to the car, she took a deep breath and walked over to the car. Dallas and Demi both stepped out before she even got there

'Maddie? What are you doing here?' Dallas asked, I looked over to Demi and she looked absolutely broken, I knew this news was only going to break her more

'I, uh, Demi, you're going to have to come back in' Demi's face fell and she burst into tears, mothers instinct I guess, she probably feels like somethings wrong with Lyric. Demi and Dallas both followed Amelia and I back to where I was seated. Not long after the older nurse, who was still quite young, walked over to us and pointed to a small meeting room.

'Mads, stay here' Dallas said

'no actually, we'd like her in the room' Ashlynn said

We all walked into the room and Dallas, Demi and I all sat on the couch whilst the nurses stood up in front of us. The young one motioned for me to stand up with them, obviously wanting me to tell Demi and Dallas what happenned

'Okay, so about ten minutes after you left Lyric went missing, the hospital immediately went into lockdown, and we started to search the vicinity for her, but we had no luck until about twenty-five minutes ago, Maddie'

'I'd just hung up the phone from you guys when mom texted me and asked me to pick up some milk from the little milk bar on the corner near the beach, which is where I was. I started walking and I saw what at the time I thought was an eight year old hospital escapee with blonde hair, on the wrong side of the bridge, when I got closer it was Lyric' I swallowed the lump in my throat, I could not cry, I have to be strong for Demi

'I screamed for her to not jump, b-but she just turned around and looked at me for a second, before leaning forward and letting go' Demi's heartwreching sobs started to fill the room and Dallas was quick to wrap her arms around her

'I grabbed her arm, and stopped her from falling but she hit her head and was unconscious. When I pulled her back I called 911, she had no pulse and wasn't breathing so I started CPR, then the paramedics came and I don't know whether she's okay' I quickly wiped away the few tears that had escaped, I have to be strong. I looked down to Demi and instantly my heart shattered, she looked so incredibly broken.

'I've since seen Lyric, she's been stabilized and is currently on a ventilator as she was barely breathing for herself when she was brought in. They're hoping she'll be off of it before tomorrow. Good news is, there is no bleeds in the brain and only a small crack in her skull as well as the gash from the impact. She also broke her arm, but she's quite a lucky girl to escape with only that. Bad news is that they don't know when she'll wake up, she's currently comatose and there's no way to estimate when she'll wake up. I'm so sorry Demi, would you like to visit her now?' Demi sadly nodded whilst clinging onto Dallas and sobbing her heart out. I couldn't handle listening to it, it was horrible

'I need some air, I've got to call mom and tell her that I'm with you guys' I turned to walk out of the room but everything hit me at once and I couldn't think straight, I got extremely dizzy and the last thing I can remember is blackness.

early update because this book hit 10k! and I hate cliffhangers lol

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