Chapter 33

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Mommy looked really pale, and Dally looked exhausted, I felt so bad, I did this to them. I needed to see MadMad, she saved my life, I need MadMad. Something was off with mommy though, she didn't look like herself, she looked horrible, in the nicest possible way.

'Lyric, you're awake' Amelia exclaimed walking into the room, a doctor following close behind her 

'good, Lyric we're going to move you back to the eating disorders ward and you'll be monitored by the same doctors as you have down here for a week' I nodded and they took the breaks off of the bed, wheeling me away, well wheeling me and mommy away. 

We arrived into a room that was not my previous one, but it had been filled with all of my stuff, I could understand why they moved me though, I guess they're just being cautious. Dallas walked in and sat on the bed again, place her hand on mommy's back. Mom looked at her and shook her head, causing Dallas to sigh.

'okay, Lyric we're going to take a new approach to helping you recover, you'll be seeing Mandy twice a day, you will be fed six times a day and you will also have to drink an ensure on top of that, we will need your cooperation to be able to help you' I sighed, I guess this is where recovery starts 


'okay?' Amelia asked questionably, I nodded in response

'Well Demi, Dallas, it's time to say goodbye' Ashlynn said 

'what! oh hell no, my child just woke up from a coma after trying to kill herself and you expect me to leave her here on her first night? I am staying and I don't give a fuck what you say' Mom yelled

'Mommy, It's fine, I'll be fine' I whispered, not wanting her to get angrier, her face dropped and she looked to Dallas. They then both hurried out of the room, but I could hear moms sobs as she walked down the corridor, I just hope it wasn't what I said. Amelia sat down next to my bed and held my hand, softly smiling at me

'Amelia?' I said softly

'Yes sweetheart'

'you said you knew what it was like, back when I was first admitted, what did you mean?'

'You have an amazing memory, I'm not really supposed to tell you though' she said cautiously

'please?' she sighed

'when I was fifteen I was admitted to Timberline Knolls for anorexia and self-harm, it was at the same time Demi was there, I don't think she remembers me though. I was there for six months and almost died twice, but I pulled through and I know you can too, you're a strong little warrior, just like Demi sweetheart, don't let this disease beat you' I was shocked, I never would've imagined Amelia having Anorexia, let alone self-harming.

'You almost died?' I asked, she nodded and showed me the portable heart monitor that lay on her hip

'I have to wear this 24/7, my Anorexia ruined my heart and left it weak and vulnerable to an attack, my heart was just as bad as yours is now beautiful, and if you don't eat then this disease will take your life and I can tell you that your mom won't be able to handle that'

'I-I'm scared'

'I know sweetie, but it'll be okay, I know that deep down inside you can tell that little voice in your head to go away, and push through it'

'you really think so?' she nodded

'c-can I drink an ensure before bed?' I asked cautiously

'sure, I'll get Ashlynn to bring it in' she got an iPhone and pressed a button, I'm guessing that paged Ashlynn

About ten minutes later Ashlynn walked in with an Ensure, my hands started to shake and I began to sweat, Amelia tightened her grip on my hand and Ashlynn set the drink down on the small table. Ashlynn then left the room leaving me with just Amelia, I looked over to Amelia and she nodded encouragingly. I picked up the drink and slowly sipped out of it, it didn't taste too horrible but it wasn't that nice either. My demons started to rise and I quickly put down the drink

'come on sweetheart you can do this' Amelia said grabbing my hand and rubbing it encouragingly.

I ended up drinking the entire thing in about an hour and Amelia told me that she was super proud of me. They then let me go and sit out in the common room, as long as Amelia was supervising me, but I had to speak to Mandy. I guess I could give her a try, but I'd much prefer to tell things to mom. I sat in the common room for fifteen minutes before getting bored and leaving to go back to my room, where Mandy was sat. 

'Hello Lyric'

'Hi Mandy' She looked surprised that I had even spoke to her, I guess she just wasn't expecting me to talk just like last time. 

'how are you feeling today?' 

'I feel, oddly, better' Amelia smiled at me, then sat down on my bed next to me, pulling me into a hug and whispering how proud she was of me

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