Chapter 22

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'I don't know what to do anymore Marissa, she's getting worse! I-I don't think I can help her anymore' I heard mom say, she and Marissa were both on the other side of the door and under the impression that I was asleep, which obviously I'm not.

'Dem, what are you saying?' Marissa said, you could hear the concern in her voice

"she needs help, like professional help" mom sighed

'like Timberline?' Marissa questioned

'no, she's too young for Timberline, more like hospitalization' I could hear the sadness in moms voice

'are you sure Dem?' 

'I can't guarantee her safety anymore, she can't even guarantee her safety, and I can't lose her Marissa' there was a short silence

'I just can't' mom sobbed out, all I wanted to do was go out there and tell her it was going to be okay, but what she said was right, no one can guarantee my safety. I sighed and went back to my bed laying down and closing my eyes, pretending to be asleep. The door opened shortly after and I felt the bed dip, I kept my eyes closed and felt myself being lifted into their arms. I knew it was Demi by the way that she held me, it was like she never wanted to let go.

'I promise we are going to get you better babygirl, I believe in you' she whispered kissing my forehead

'mommy' I whispered as she pulled away, she smiled softly and ran her thumb over my cheek

'hey babygirl, we're going to go somewhere just me and you' I nodded hesitantly and got out of moms arms

'want a piggy back bub?' she asked and I nodded my head jumping onto her back.

She ran down the stairs and grabbed her keys, giving Wilmer a kiss on the lips and Marissa a hug before taking me out to the car. She buckled me in tightly and then went to the other side of the car getting into the drivers seat. Part of me was curious as to where we were going but there was part of me that didn't care, I mean I trust Demi so I know she isn't taking me anywhere to be murdered not that'd I'd really care anyways. We pulled up at a place about ten minutes away, from the car it looked amazing but when I got out of the car my breathe was taken from me as I looked around in awe. The sun was starting to set over the small lake that lay in the middle of the clearing making the water glow gold. There was a few benches around the outside of the lake and a lovely garden surrounding the area. Demi lead me to a bench and we sat down on it. She  took a deep breath and then looked at me

'babygirl, we need to get you some professional help' I sighed

'I know' I whispered, she looked at me quite surprised 

'baby, I know that you don't want it, but I need to know you are safe' she said tears welling in her eyes

'It's okay mommy'

'babygirl, Marissa, Wilmer and I have decided as a team that it's best for you to go and spend some time in the hospital where the nurses and doctors are going to keep you safe and help you get better' I simply sighed and nodded, knowing that fighting her wasn't going to work as she had already made up her mind

'I know you must be thinking that we are sending you away because we don't love you but baby it's the complete opposite, we are sending to the hospital so that we can keep you alive because I don't know what I'd do without you, I c-can't lose you babygirl' I wrapped my arms around her as a few tears fell down her face. I kissed her cheek and wiped away the tears that were falling down her cheeks 

'I love you mommy' I whispered as my own tears fell. I didn't even know why I was crying, part of me was  sad because I had to leave mom, Marissa and Wilmer. I guess there was a bigger part of me that was crying because mom was crying and I hated watching her cry. I just wanted mom to hold me forever, I never wanted her to let go. She pulled me onto her lap and I leant my head on her shoulder

'don't cry babygirl, you're a warrior, you'll get through it' she lifted my head and wiped my tears then softly smiled at me

'you are so beautiful baby, you have no idea just how beautiful you are' she said wiping a few more tears that ran down my face. 

'not as beautiful as you mommy, you are gorgeous, and I wish I was as pretty as you' she smiled and hugged me again

'you are baby, you are so beautiful' I snuggled back into her and whispered a thank you. She kissed the top of my head and then put her hand under my thighs standing up and carrying me back to the car

'we're going to go back home so we can pack you up baby, Mar and Wilmer will help if you want' I merely nodded and leant back into the car seat leaning my head on the window.

'baby no, lean this way you'll hurt your head on the window' mom said getting into the drivers seat. I swapped my head to where mom had said to put it and we began the drive home.

I felt myself being lifted out of the car and mom placing my head on her shoulder, my eyes were closed and I was barely awake. She carried me inside and laid me down on what I'm guessing would be the couch and I then fell back asleep.

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