Chapter 17

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After I told Maddie she didn't treat me differently at all, and we were still having fun together even though she knew, it made me feel a lot better about it. Momma came back into the room with red puffy eyes and she was sniffling, I immediately ran over to her and hugged her, she picked me up and hugged me tightly 'it's time to go babygirl, say goodbye to Aunt MadMad' Momma put me down and I walked over to Maddie who picked me up and hugged me 'see you cutie' she said before kissing my forehead 'bye aunt MadMad' Momma gave MadMad a kiss on the forehead and a hug before picking me up and walking downstairs, Grandma Dianna also looked like she had been crying, Momma hugged her and I kissed her cheek 'sweet dreams beautiful girl' Grandma said putting her hand on my back, Momma walked over to Dallas and hugged her, I shyly wrapped my arms around her neck and she hugged me back tightly. Maddie walked down the stairs and mom walked over to her giving her another kiss on the forehead, mom  turned around and started to walk towards Eddie before Maddie put her hand on Momma's shoulder and took me off of her. I laid my head down on Maddie's shoulder and let my eyes slip shut, feeling immediately exhausted. I could still hear everything that was going on but my eyelids were so heavy that I couldn't open my eyes 'aww Mads you put her to sleep' I heard Dallas coo, 'wait what? aww thats so cute, looks like your the favorite Mads' mom said.

I woke up in immense pain from where I had been raped, I screamed out in pain before opening my eyes, my head was in momma's lap, and she was looking at me quite concerned 'baby? What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare' I shook my head 'it really hurts momma, please make it stop' I sobbed into her stomach 'we're almost there babygirl' she said sadly, running her fingers through my hair.

When we arrived mom picked me up and ran towards the front door, 'fuck' she said when she realized the door was not open, Wilmer luckily came to the rescue when he unlocked the door. Momma rushed me into the bathroom and grabbed the cream. After applying it quickly she washed her hands and took me to my bedroom 'can Mar stay with me tonight? I'm scared it might hurt and I know you'll want to sleep with Wilmer' I asked mom as she started to dress me in my pyjamas 'how about we ask her sweetheart, I'm sure she'd love too' I nodded and as soon as mom had slipped the oversized tshirt over me I gestured for her to pick me up, I was in too much pain to walk. Mom lifted me up and walked downstairs to find Mar and Wilmer watching TV 'Mar? Lyrics got something to ask you' momma said as she sat down next to Wilmer with me on her lap 'what's up baby?' I looked down and started playing with moms fingers 'c-can you sleep with me tonight? I'm scared' I said quietly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me off of moms lap 'of course baby' she said as she put me on her own lap. 'What's wrong babygirl?' Mom asked looking over at me, I looked at her confused 'you are crying' I put my hands to my cheeks to find out I was indeed crying, it seems to be a thing I do when I'm tired 'I'm just really tired' I said laying my head against Marissas shoulder 'let's go to bed then baby' Marissa said wrapping her arms around me before standing up, momma walked over to us and kissed my forehead, then hugged Mar. Wilmer hugged us both and then we proceeded up the stairs. When we go into my room Mar put me down on the bed before getting up to leave 'I thought you were staying with me?' She chuckled 'I can't sleep in this can I?' I shook my head and she left the room. She returned shortly after wearing her pyjamas, as soon as she got in the bed I snuggled up to her, laying my head on her chest. She fell asleep almost instantly, I on the other hand no matter how tired I was couldn't get to sleep.

I laid awake for an hour listening to my demons rave on and on, and it all became to much I burst into tears. Marissa shot up and looked at me concerned 'baby? what's wrong' she asked, I just whimpered and snuggled closer into her 'baby, I can't help you if you don't tell me whats wrong' I looked down 'th-they won't leave me alone' I sobbed, she pulled me onto her lap and wrapped her arms around me tightly 'babygirl don't listen to them, listen to me, I'm right here' I laid my head on her shoulder 'sometimes it's just to hard, and sometimes I want to end it' Marissa held me tighter 'you know I'd be really sad if you did end it' she said in a whisper, a tear rolling down her cheek 'but I'm so tired, I just want it to stop, I want all the pain to go away, and if that means I die then I guess I die' I shrugged, Marissa kissed my forehead 'baby please tell Dem when you feel like that, I don't want to attend your funeral' I looked down at my hands 'I love you baby' Marissa said kissing my cheek and laying back down pulling me with her 'I love you to' I said back to her laying my head back on her chest and closing my eyes. 

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