Chapter One

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Lyric's POV

I awoke to my alarm, 'hoe shut the fuck up,' I said as I pressed the snooze button, 'Lyric Leigh, get your ass out of bed' Felicity my roommate shouted before pulling my blanket off, exposing me to the cold air 'fuck you Felicity, fuck you' I shouted at her before throwing my pillow at her 'Lyric you are eleven where the hell did you even learn that language' Felicity was my 13 year old roommate here at the orphanage, she's been here since she was five when her parents car was hit by a drunk driver, she's okay, better than the roommate I had before her.

'All right we're here' the bus driver announced, 'see ya Marie' I jump off the bus, I have to walk down a bunch of stairs to get to the school, we were running a little late so I ran down them, I missed the last few steps and fell down on my ankle 'fuck!' I looked around and saw Willow and co. laughing at me, 'watch your step fatass' I tried to stand up but Willow stepped forward and pushed me back to the ground, and kicked me in the stomach 'you're lucky your fat' she snickered and walked away, I lay on the ground with tears running down my face 'are you okay sweetheart?' I looked up to see a beautiful young women she could have only been about 23, she had gorgeous brown eyes and short black hair 'y-yeah I'm fine' I sniffled and wiped my tears 'sweetheart I saw you fall down the stairs, I know you're not okay' I looked away from her 'what's your name sweetheart?' this women sounded so familiar and she looked familiar too, I think I've seen her on a magazine somewhere not that we have much at the orphanage 'm-my name is L-Lyric' she put her hand on my back 'that's such a pretty name, did your parents like music?' I looked back to the ground 'I don't know, they died when I was three' the woman gave me a sympathetic smile 'well I'm Miss Lovato, I'm teaching 5th grade this year' I smiled, I'm in 5th grade this year and I have a new teacher but I didn't know her name 'I'm gonna carry you to my classroom okay sweetheart?' I shook my head 'I can walk, thank you though' she nodded her head and I followed her to her office 'okay sweetheart, I'm going to have a little look at your ankle and then your stomach' my eyes widened why my stomach? 'I saw that girl kick you sweetheart, I just want to check' and now I'm dead, she'll see the bruises the staff at the orphanage have given me, she took off my shoe and looked at my ankle 'it's just rolled luckily, can you lift you top for me' I shook my head 'please' I shook my head again and the bell rang, fuck yes saved by the bell 'okay well we both have to go to class, can I see your schedule?' I handed her my schedule 'you've got me for everything' I smiled at her 'so at lunch I want to see your stomach okay sweetheart? I would hate for something bad to happen to you' I mumbled a small okay and walked over to a seat closest to her desk, I don't like the back that's where Willow and her friends sit, maybe if I sit close enough to Miss Lovato's desk Willow and her friends won't insult me, kids started to fill the other seat and Miss Lovato started her lesson, I zoned out as usual.

'Lyric?' I snapped my head up 'can you tell me the answer?' I shook my head 'can you pay attention please' she said sternly which made me jump 'awe look the little baby is scared' Willow remarked from the back of the class, I shook my head 'going to say something baby, is that why your parents died, because your such a baby? why don't you go c-' a tear fell from my eyes and I put my head down on my desk 'Willow we have heard enough from you, you have detention' thank god for Miss Lovato, the only teacher that ever does anything 'you can't do that, I'll have my daddy sue you' Willow shrieked 'I can and I will, I do not tolerate bullying' Willow scoffed, I didn't move my head from the desk, then I felt a piece of paper being thrown at me, it landed next to my head, I opened the folded paper up and read what it said

"you will pay for this fatass, that teacher can't protect you forever, I can't wait to beat you up at lunch you should know better than to cross me - xoxo Willow" I folded the note and put it in my pocket silently crying at my desk, the bell rang and Miss Lovato dismissed the rest of the class 'sweetheart can you look at me' I shook my head, she gently lifted my head off the desk 'oh sweetheart' she opened her arms for me and I gladly walked into them, it's probably wrong to hug a student but I'm glad she did I really needed it 'are you okay?' I nodded and gave her a small fake smile 'no you're not, I know a fake smile when I see one' I just nodded again 'do you want to go home sweetheart' I shook my head violently and whispered 'I don't have a home' she pulled me back in for a hug 'what do you mean you don't have a home?' I looked into her chocolate brown eyes 'I don't have a home, I don't have a family, I don't have anything' a single tear fell from my eyes 'then where do you live?' a hell hole, where I get hit and play "big girl games" with the male workers, I hate it, it hurts but they told me I can't tell 'an orphanage' all the other kids started to walk into the classroom she gave me a sympathetic smile before we both returned to our desks.

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