Chapter 5

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She broke my heart when she said that, it confirmed that I definitely want her as my daughter, and since I only have a six month placement I'll adopt her after I've finished teaching, I have to ask Wilmer but I'm sure he'll be down for it! It's day two and I'm already wanting to adopt a kid, Dallas guessed correctly! The bell rang and she gave me a hug before running off to give the coach her work, it was the end of the school day, but I had some boring teacher conference to go to, lucky me! I walked down the hallway into the meeting room, it was a fifth grade teacher meeting. I sat down next to the coach and laughed at her reaction whilst she tried to read the essay 'can you read it then?' She asked placing the paper in front of me, I had remembered the entire story that Lyric had told me, so I recited it, the coaches mouth dropped 'you can read that? It's just a bunch of numbers?' I shook my head 'it's number writing, each letter of the alphabet has a number so a is 1 and so on, so that's how it's written' she nodded but I knew she didn't understand. The meeting began 'uh I have an inquiry?' I said raising my hand 'yes Demi?' The principal replied 'I have a student who needs to be watched at lunch times, is it okay for her to sit in my classroom with me?' He thought for a bit then nodded 'and also this school has a problem with bullying I would like to address' I said, he looked at me 'what do you mean bullying?' How could these people be so blind to it? 'Lyric, a student in my class, she's bullied by Willow' he thought for a bit 'Lyric Dennis? Willow Cavaletti?' I looked at him confused 'Lyric, little blonde skinny orphan with adorable brown eyes' he nodded 'Lyric Dennis' he confirmed 'not much we can do I'm afraid Demi, the Cavalettis are rich and in denial they have threatened to sue before' I was angered and disgusted at his answer 'I don't care! Willow tells her to kill herself! It's a serious issue that needs to be dealt with' he just shrugged, I stood up collected my things and walked out of the meeting. I walked out of the building and saw Lyric sitting on the ground crying, I ran over to her 'what happened sweetheart?' I asked pulling her into a hug 'I missed my bus, because of Willow' I shook my head, that child seriously needs to be dealt with 'hey it's okay, how about you come back to mine for a bit, then after dinner I'll take you back to the orphanage?' She nodded and pulled away from the hug, I stuck my hand out for her too hold, she grabbed it tightly. After I had helped her into my car I started to drive to my house 'Miss Lovato? Why are you so nice to me?' Lyric asked after a few minutes 'call me Demi sweetheart, and because you deserve it' I replied 'Demi, that's a nice name' I smiled 'it's actually my nickname, my real name is Demetria but call me that and I'll tickle the life out of you' she giggled 'I like the name Demetria, I think it's pretty and unique' I smiled 'you are a cutie' she giggled again. 'We are here!' Her mouth basically dropped 'you live here?' I nodded 'it's big' I smiled and took her hand dragging her inside, 'what do you want to do sweetheart? My boyfriend won't be home tonight so it's just us' I said as I fell on to the couch, she sat next to me 'can we watch a movie?' I nodded and walked over to the cupboard, I held up a couple of DVDs and she shook her head, pointing to princess protection program, I sighed and put it on she was smiling hugely and I have to admit it was adorable. We were half way through the movie and she tugged on my arm 'I'm cold Demi' she was hugging my arm 'c-can w-we s-snuggle?' she asked quietly, I just died from adorableness I nodded and pulled her closer she wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my shoulder. When the movie was over she pouted, I checked the time it was 5:30, I got up and she pouted more, 'I've gotta make dinner baby, how about you come help me?' she looked hesitant 'what are we having?' I thought about it, knowing I can't cook then decided on salad 'salad baby' she nodded and smiled, weird right? 'whats got you all happy?' I asked curiously 'you called me baby' I giggled 'you like that' she nodded 'it makes me feel loved' she mumbled 'if only you knew babygirl' I whispered hugging her. I took her to the kitchen an got everything we needed for the salad. After we finished we were both covered in lettuce and raw egg, Lyric looked down at her clothes and her face dropped 'what's wrong babygirl?' she looked to the floor 'I only have three outfits, and this one is all dirty' I felt sorry for the beautiful little girl in front of me, wait its only 5:55 I'm sure I can find a store thats open and sells clothes small enough for her. After she had eaten all her salad I took her hand and lead her out to the car, 'I'm buying you some more clothes on the way home' she shook her head 'no buts, I have plenty of money and I ruined your clothes so I'm getting even and buying you new clothes' she gave in and slumped back in the seat crossing her arms across her chest 'hey babygirl, be happy! You are getting new clothes' she uncrossed her arms 'I'm mad at you for spending your money on me' I shook my head 'don't be, I care about you' she smiled and stopped pouting. We walked into the store, and I instantly saw a beautiful long sleeve dress, it was plain grey but looked cute, I showed it to Lyric and she nodded so I put it on my arm. I had got her a couple more outfits, so she could have a new one each day, she wouldn't let me buy her more, we got in my car and she hugged me. She told me the directions to her orphanage which wasn't too far from the store. I took her up to the door and rang the doorbell, a young girl that looked about Lyric's age opened the door 'ugh why couldn't you have stayed away' she said rudely to Lyric, Lyrics face dropped, I took her hand and told her to show me her room. She took me into her small room and laid down on her bed, I hugged her 'you are beautiful and that girl is delusional' she nodded tiredly 'can you stay until I fall asleep' I nodded 'can you sing?' I nodded again and softly sang her to sleep.

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